Learn Programming: Records (Structs)

Image credits: Image created by the author using the program Spectacle.
In the introduction to development environments, I have mentioned Python, Lua and JavaScript as good choices of programming languages for beginners. Later, I have commented about GDScript as an option for people who want to program digital games or simulations. For the introductory programming activities, you will need, at least, a development environment configured for one of the previous languages.
If you wish to try programming without configuring an environment, you can use of the online editors that I have created:
However, they do not provide all features offered by interpreters for the languages. Thus, sooner or later, you will need to set up a development environment. If you need to configure one, you can refer to the following resources.
Thus, if you have an Integrated Development Environment (IDE), or a combination of text editor and an interpreter, you are ready to start. The following example assumes that you know how to run code in your chosen language, as presented in the configuration pages.
If you want to use another language, the introduction provides links for configure development environments for the C, C++, Java, LISP, Prolog, and SQL (with SQLite) languages. In many languages, it suffices to follow the models from the experimentation section to modify syntax, commands and functions from the code blocks. C and C++ are exceptions, for they require pointers access the memory.
Data Abstraction and Decomposition
A collection (such as an array or dictionary) allows storing values in a single variable. Some programming languages (especially high-level languages) allow storing values of different types in a same collection variable (for instance, an array). Other languages (especially lower level languages, such as C and C++) permits storing values of a single data type in a variable of a collection.
Something similar happens with functions (or subroutines). Some languages (such as Lua and Python) allow returning multiple values; others (such as JavaScript and GDScript) impose that functions can return a single value.
In the case of subroutines, collections provide a way of returning multiple values. In the case of data structures, techniques such as parallel arrays server as a way to distribute many values for a same entity.
Nevertheless, there is an alternative way to avoid the problem, which applies to subroutines and collections alike. Records (structures or structs) allow grouping multiple data to compose a new composite data type. A variable of the type of a record combines many other variables into a single one.
As subroutines allows performing functional decomposition, records provides a way to practice data decomposition in a program (it can also be thought as a data composition, depending on the desired direction).
This allows thinking about the data of a program at a higher level, expanding the concept of data abstraction.
For instance, instead of thinking about the data of a person as name, age and gender, one can define a Person
data type that is composed by name, age and gender.
Every variable created using the type Person
will have the pertinent data to define a person in the considered problem or domain.
Records (or Structs) and Classes
Many programming languages provide features that allow a programmer to create her/his own data types. The features, though, can vary.
Imperative languages (procedural or imperative paradigms) tend to allow the definition of records or structures (structs). In general, records allow combining data from preexisting types into a new type. The data of a record are commonly called attributes or fields. The values of the attributes defined the state of the record. This is the simplest and most basic approach of creating composite types.
In languages that allow storing references to subroutines in variables, a record can contain data and subroutines. In languages that do not allow, a record can contain only data. To different both approaches, the term Plain Old Data (POD) or Passive Data Structure (PDS) can be used to refer to records that only contains data. The expression plain old can be understood as "good and old"; that is, the good and old data -- simple, reliable and without extravagances. In other words, without surprises: pure data that is not mixed with code.
Object-oriented languages (Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) paradigm) allow creating classes. A class allows combining attributes with subroutines to process them, called methods. A class tends to be the contrary of POD, because they allow mixing data and code in a single structure, called object. An object is an instance of a class.
Classes can be much more powerful, sophisticated and versatile than PODs (hereafter called records). In classes, techniques such as data hiding (which encompasses the concept of encapsulation), inheritance, polymorphism and delegation can define complex processing. For instance, it is possible to permit or restrict the access to data depending on how the class is defined; in potential, it is possible to restrict data changes to selected methods. Thus, in classes, the data can be mere details. The manipulation of an object can be performed by exclusive means of methods. In other words, it is possible to abstract the data and operate the values using interfaces. In good OOP implementations, a very same interface can be kept, and the inner data definition can be modified. The program will to keep as it nothing had been changed.
In records, that are only data as attributes. Data are variables that can be modified anywhere. One can create subroutines to manipulate the data, though nothing restricts direct manipulation. Attributes in records, are, thus, modifiable anywhere that the variable is accessible. The attributes are only reunited in a record for convenience of use and access. It is a grouping or composition, simple and without surprises.
In pseudocode, a record can be as simple as the following representation:
record name_of_the_record
attribute1: type1
attribute2: type2
// ...
attributeN: typeN
variable record_variable: name_of_the_record
record_variable.attribute1 = ...
record_variable.attribute2 = ...
// ...
record_variable.attributeN = ...
The type of an attribute can be any previously defined type. This means that it can be of a primitive type, a composite type (as the ones studied previously), and, in many program languages, of the type of a previously declared record.
In general, records can be understood as a data type composed of other data types.
Programming languages will provide an operator (typically a dot such as .
, in which the name of the variable precedes the dot, and the name of the attribute succeeds the dot) to access each defined attribute.
For the example of a type Person
, the pseudocode would become:
record Person
name: string
age: integer
gender: string
variable franco: Person
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
variable you: Person
you.name = "???"
you.age = 4321
you.gender = "???"
could have attributes for pronouns, for a more inclusive solution.
In this topic, there is a convention that every name of a type defined with a record will be started by an uppercase letter. This is a usual convention in many programming languages and allows quickly distinguishing the name of a type from an identifier (such as the name of a variable or subroutine).
OOP and Base Use of Objects
Records are simpler; simplicity is convenient for the initial learning. Therefore, even in languages that allow object-oriented programming (such as Python, JavaScript and GDScript), this topic will use classes as if there were records. The choice requires maturity for use and might not be exactly recommended for beginners. In fact, people used to OOP can disagree with the approach or feel uneasy about the (mis)use of objects as records; such reactions are fair and acceptable. However, they would also restrict the potential for learning.
As habitual, my opinion is that programming languages are tools. Programming paradigms are tools as well. Paradigms are like lens that help to understand, model and solve problems. There are not solutions, though they can influence how one will build a solution. The lenses enhance certain details in detriment of others. Computation always has trade-offs.
Object orientation is not a paradigm that is superior to every other one. As any other paradigms, OOP have benefits and limitations. The understanding of records as data can help, in the future, to use classes and objects with greater simplicity and elegance, instead of excessively exploring OOP idioms and patterns when they are not really suitable or necessary.
Thus, the adopted approach in this topic is not a good example of OOP, especially in the initial examples. The choice is intentional, because OOP can be detailed in the future with suitable depth. Instead of object orientation, the paradigms explored in this topic are imperative and procedural.
At this time, the focus are the data stored in composite types. In any programming paradigm, it is fundamental to understand the data flow of a program. The comprehension of a problem and data modeling are part of every solution. Planning and conceiving the data flow of a program is important; for good software architectures, an understanding of the flow contributes to the creation of good abstractions. On the other hand, starting to create abstractions before understanding the problem can lead to architectural problems at the medium or long term. So can creating classes and data types indiscriminately, especially if they are forced for parts of situations on which they are unsuitable or unnecessary.
Data does not require OOP; to process data, one can use all resources previously explored. The chosen approach will allow explaining how to create a simple model of object orientation, with some basic features. To do this, it suffices to use already discussed concepts. From simplicity to complexity, in incremental steps.
Textual Programming Languages: JavaScript, Python, Lua and GDScript
JavaScript, Python and GDScript allow object-oriented programming. Lua does not have a concept for registers nor classes, although it is possible implementing many OOP resources using tables.
class Person {
constructor() {
this.name = ""
this.age = 0
this.gender = ""
// It is also possible to do:
// class Person {
// name = ""
// age = 0
// gender = ""
let franco = new Person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
// The name could be Person() to become closer to other programming languages.
function new_person() {
// JavaScript Object.
return {
"name": "",
"age": 0,
"gender": ""
// Or:
// return {
// name: "",
// age: 0,
// gender: ""
// }
let franco = new_person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.age = 0
self.gender = ""
franco = Person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
-- The name could be Person() to become closer to other programming languages.
function new_person()
return {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
local franco = new_person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
extends Node
# Inner class.
class Person:
# If an initial value is omitted, it will be null.
var name = ""
var age = 0
var gender = ""
# An _init() method is optional (as a contructor).
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
extends Node
# File as class.
# The name of the file is the name of the class.
# It is also possible to define a custom name for the class using:
# class_name Person
# If an initial value is omitted, it will be null.
var name
var age
var gender
func _init():
name = ""
age = 0
gender = ""
func _ready():
name = "Franco"
age = 1234
gender = "Male"
var franco = self
printt(self, franco)
printt(name, self.name, franco.name)
printt(age, self.age, franco.age)
printt(gender, self.gender, franco.gender)
Documentation for creating records or classes:
- JavaScript: documentation;
- Python: documentation;
- Lua: does not provide commands to create records or classes. However, it is possible to create tables (documentation) to use as records or simple classes;
- GDScript:
- File as class: documentation;
- Inner class: documentation.
JavaScript, Python and GDScript allow defining classes.
In these languages, there is a new reserved word to reference the instance of currently manipulated object itself.
It is called this
in JavaScript, and self
in Python and GDScript (Lua also proposes self
as a convention for the variable itself, used when a subroutine is called using the operator :
; more details when appropriate).
In languages such as GDScript, in cases that are no ambiguities to determine the variable (for instance, there is not a parameter with the same name of an attribute), it is possible to omit self
Otherwise, the use is obligatory to reference the class attribute instead of the other variable.
In JavaScript, the introduction of classes is somewhat recent (ECMAScript 2015).
Before 2015, objects in JavaScript were created as JavaScript Objects, previously presented in Collections as one of the alternatives to use of dictionaries.
Currently, one can opt between using native classes (defined using class
) or JavaScript Objects.
In GDScript, every source code file defines a class. In other words, every program written hitherto in the language defined classes. Variables declared outside a subroutine are class attributes (instead of global variables). All subroutines declared in a file in the language are methods. It is also possible to declare inner classes, which can be used as records. An inner class is a nested class, that is, a class defined inside another class.
In the code snippets that define classes, a special method called constructor performs the allocation and initialization of an object (a variable) of the type of the class.
The constructor is called automatically every time a class object is built, to perform the initialization with the defined values.
This makes POO objects always start with a valid and known initial state (instead of random, as it can happen with variables of primitive types).
In JavaScript, the constructor is called constructor()
and it is optional.
In Python, it is called __init__()
, using two underscores before and after the word, and it is required.
Attrinbutes in Python should be declared in the definition of __init()__
(otherwise, they will be shared among all instances of the class, which is known as static attribute).
In GDScript, it is called _init()
and it is optional.
Furthermore, in code with classes, the language can require using a reserved word to create an object.
In JavaScript, it is new()
In Python, one should use parentheses after the name of the class.
In GDScript, one should use .new()
after the name of the (internal) class.
In Lua, records can be created as tables.
The simplest way is declaring a table with some keys of the string type.
For convenience, one can define a function to create an empty record.
This is the purpose of new_person()
(both in Lua and for JavaScript Object).
Although optional, such construction simplifies the creation of several records with the same attributes.
Instead of duplicating code, one can call the subroutine.
This is practical, because it makes it easier to change all variables of a type when the definition of the record is changed (although references to old variables will still require manual fixes).
In Python, Lua and GDScript, an attempt to write a variable of a record type with print()
will write the address of the reference.
In JavaScript, console.log()
will write the values stored in the object.
Passage By Reference or Passage By Value?
The previous paragraphs are almost sufficient to use records (or classes are records) in programming activities. An important additional detail is to know that some programming languages pass records or object to subroutines by value (for instance, C and C++), while others pass by reference (case of JavaScript, Python, Lua and GDScript). As JavaScript, Python, Lua and GDScript pass records or objects by reference, it must be noted that value modifications in parameters of subroutines will affect the original variable passed as the parameter, and these changes will be persistent after the end of the call.
class Person {
constructor() {
this.name = ""
this.age = 0
this.gender = ""
function initialize_person(person) {
person.name = "Franco"
person.age = 1234
person.gender = "Male"
let franco = new Person()
function new_person() {
// JavaScript Object.
return {
"name": "",
"age": 0,
"gender": ""
function initialize_person(person) {
person.name = "Franco"
person.age = 1234
person.gender = "Male"
let franco = new_person()
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.age = 0
self.gender = ""
def initialize_person(person):
person.name = "Franco"
person.age = 1234
person.gender = "Male"
franco = Person()
function new_person()
return {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
function initialize_person(person)
person.name = "Franco"
person.age = 1234
person.gender = "Male"
local franco = new_person()
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func initialize_person(person):
person.name = "Franco"
person.age = 1234
person.gender = "Male"
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new()
extends Node
var name
var age
var gender
func _init():
name = ""
age = 0
gender = ""
func initialize_person():
name = "Franco"
age = 1234
gender = "Male"
func initialize_person_com_parametro(person):
person.name = "Franco Garcia"
person.age = 4321
person.gender = "MASCULINO"
func _ready():
printt(name, self.name)
printt(age, self.age)
printt(gender, self.gender)
# The call will affect the object itself.
# In this case, the modification of values is a side effect of the call.
printt(name, self.name)
printt(age, self.age)
printt(gender, self.gender)
# The previous code is equivalent to the use of self as a parameter.
printt(name, self.name)
printt(age, self.age)
printt(gender, self.gender)
The term intialize
is commonly abbreviated as init
(or setup
) in programming.
A second detail worth noticing refers to comparisons in programming languages that treat objects are references.
Comparisons: Equality and Difference
As variables that store values in JavaScript, Python, Lua and GDScript store references, it is important taking care with equality and difference comparisons. They should be performed attribute by attribute, instead of using the operator available in the language. Case an attribute is a reference itself, it should also be compared suitably.
class Person {
constructor() {
this.name = ""
this.age = 0
this.gender = ""
function equal_people(person1, person2) {
return ((person1.name === person2.name) &&
(person1.age === person2.age) &&
(person1.gender === person2.gender))
function different_people(person1, person2) {
return (!equal_people(person1, person2))
let person1 = new Person()
let person2 = new Person()
console.log(person1 === person2, equal_people(person1, person2))
console.log(person1 !== person2, different_people(person1, person2))
function new_person() {
// JavaScript Object.
return {
"name": "",
"age": 0,
"gender": ""
function equal_people(person1, person2) {
return ((person1.name === person2.name) &&
(person1.age === person2.age) &&
(person1.gender === person2.gender))
function different_people(person1, person2) {
return (!equal_people(person1, person2))
let person1 = new_person()
let person2 = new_person()
console.log(person1 === person2, equal_people(person1, person2))
console.log(person1 !== person2, different_people(person1, person2))
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.age = 0
self.gender = ""
def equal_people(person1, person2):
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
def different_people(person1, person2):
return (not equal_people(person1, person2))
person1 = Person()
person2 = Person()
print(person1 == person2, equal_people(person1, person2))
print(person1 != person2, different_people(person1, person2))
function new_person()
return {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
function equal_people(person1, person2)
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function different_people(person1, person2)
return (not equal_people(person1, person2))
local person1 = new_person()
local person2 = new_person()
print(person1 == person2, equal_people(person1, person2))
print(person1 ~= person2, different_people(person1, person2))
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func equal_people(person1, person2):
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
func different_people(person1, person2):
return (not equal_people(person1, person2))
func _ready():
var person1 = Person.new()
var person2 = Person.new()
printt(person1 == person2, equal_people(person1, person2))
printt(person1 != person2, different_people(person1, person2))
extends Node
class_name Person
var name
var age
var gender
func _init():
name = ""
age = 0
gender = ""
func equal_people(person):
return ((self.name == person.name) and
(self.age == person.age) and
(self.gender == person.gender))
func different_people(person):
return (not equal_people(person))
func _ready():
var person2 = get_script().new()
printt(self == person2, equal_people(person2))
printt(self != person2, different_people(person2))
# It is not possible to use class_name for this case.
# var person3 = Person.new()
# printt(self == person3, equal_people(person3))
# printt(self != person3, different_people(person3))
The potentially most confusing version is the one in GDScript using the own file as a class.
The method get_script()
documentation allows referencing the source code file itself, used to instance a new variable.
In all previous cases, the comparison using operators returns the incorrect value, because it compares addresses.
Both variables should be equal, because both were initialized with the same values (empty strings for name
and gender
, and 0
for age
The comparison using subroutines returns the correct value.
As the operators for equality and difference are the reverse of each other, one can define one of them.
Next, she/he can define the second as the negation of the first.
To sort values in arrays of records, it can also be interesting to define subroutines that inform whether a value is less than another (for increasing order), or larger than the other (for decreasing order).
For instance, one sorting criterion for a variable of the type Person
could be alphabetic order for the name.
Another criteria could be age or gender.
It is also possible to define priorities to the sorting (for instance, first by name, then age, then gender).
To do this, it suffices to perform the next comparison with the immediately less important criterion if the previously compared values are equal.
More Advanced Resources
This section presents some more advanced features to use with records and/or classes. They are more complex, though they provide conveniences and practicality to programming activities. Furthermore, some features will be not be available in some programming language. If the subsections seem too complex, you can skip to the section Techniques Using Records.
Operator Overloading
Languages that provide resources for operator overloading make it possible to redefine the behavior of operators for records, potentially making the code easier to read. Operator overloading has been previously mentioned (for instance, in Relational Operations and Comparisons).
From the languages that are being considered from examples, Python and Lua allow overloading arithmetic, logic and relational operators.
The next example overloads the equality operator and the difference operator for the record Person
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.age = 0
self.gender = ""
# It is important noticing the indentation.
# The subroutine (method) is defined inside the class, in the same level of
# __init__().
def __eq__(self, person):
if (type(self) != type(person)):
return false
return ((self.name == person.name) and
(self.age == person.age) and
(self.gender == person.gender))
def __nq__(self, person):
return (not self == person)
person1 = Person()
person2 = Person()
print(person1 == person2)
print(person1 != person2)
function equal_people(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function new_person()
local data = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
local metatable = {
__eq = equal_people
local person = setmetatable(data, metatable)
return person
local person1 = new_person()
local person2 = new_person()
print(person1 == person2)
print(person1 ~= person2)
Python allows overloading all operators described in the documentation. In the case of the operators for equality and difference, if one defines only the equality operator, Python uses its negation to create the operator of difference automatically (or vice-versa).
Lua uses metatable
for operator overloading.
The concept has been previously mentioned (for instance, in Collections).
Now it is a good time to explain it.
Lua uses metatable
as a way to allow the redefinition of the language's operators (and some operations).
To do this, one should define a table with keys and functions for the desired operations, and associate them to another table (the one that will receive the operations) using setmetatable()
Available operators and operations vary according the language's version. More up-to-date versions have more operators. For instance, documentation for version 5.1 and documentation for version 5.4. In the case of the operator for equality and difference, Lua requires only the implementation of the equality operator. The difference operator is created automatically as the negation of the equality one. Furthermore, versions older than 5.3 may require a same reference to the function. For instance, the next code snippet work correctly in Lua's current version (5.4), though it does not work until the version 5.2. Up to the version 5.2, as the defined anonymous would have different addresses, the overloaded operator would not be called.
-- Requires Lua 5.3 or more recent.
function new_person()
local data = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
local metatable = {
__eq = function(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
local person = setmetatable(data, metatable)
-- The addresses of __eq will be different.
-- print(metatable, getmetatable(person), getmetatable(person).__eq)
return person
local person1 = new_person()
local person2 = new_person()
print(person1 == person2)
print(person1 ~= person2)
The commented line in both Lua examples allow to find the address of the created __eq()
A possible alternative is declaring the metatable
globally or local to the file and use it for all created instances (as shared memory).
As all variables created in new_person()
will have the same metatable
called person_metatable
, the defined addresses will be the same.
Therefore, the following code snippet is valid in versions older than Lua 5.3 (and also on newer versions).
A second advantage of the approach is that is saves memory.
local person_metatable = {
__eq = function(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function new_person()
local data = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
local person = setmetatable(data, person_metatable)
return person
local person1 = new_person()
local person2 = new_person()
print(person1 == person2)
print(person1 ~= person2)
Although some programming languages do not provide features for operator overloading, they can be useful when available.
In particular, they can make reading code simpler.
For instance, instead of adding two matrices with sum_matrices(x, y)
, the operator +
could be overloaded to make it possible writing x + y
as the sum of two matrices.
The advantage becomes clearer when one considers x + y + z
, that would be written as sum_matrices(sum_matrices(x, y), z)
without operator overloading.
The first version is more immediate (although it can hide the computational cost if one does not remember that is a custom operation instead of a conventional sum).
For instance, overloading the operator /
to perform the sum of matrices would be confusing (although possible).
OOP defines a concept called polymorphism, which also has been previously mentioned (for instance, in Sub Subroutines (Functions and Procedures). With classes and inheritance in OOP, one can make children classes (or derived classes) able to redefine methods of their respective parent classes (or superclasses).
As the current goal is not to introduce OOP in detail, the following code snippets provide fast examples of how to use polymorphism with composite types to redefine the operator to convert data of a record (class) into strings.
class Person {
constructor() {
this.name = ""
this.age = 0
this.gender = ""
toString() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
function Person() {
this.name = ""
this.age = 0
this.gender = ""
Person.prototype.toString = function() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
class Person:
def __init__(self):
self.name = ""
self.age = 0
self.gender = ""
def __str__(self):
result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
def __eq__(self, person):
if (type(self) != type(person)):
return false
return ((self.name == person.name) and
(self.age == person.age) and
(self.gender == person.gender))
def __nq__(self, person):
return (not self == person)
franco = Person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
function equal_people(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function person_to_string(person)
local result = person.name .. " (" .. person.age .. " years old, gender " .. person.gender .. ")"
return result
function concatenate(x, y)
local result = tostring(x) .. tostring(y)
return result
local person_metatable = {
__eq = equal_people,
__tostring = person_to_string,
__concat = concatenate
function new_person()
local data = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
local person = setmetatable(data, person_metatable)
return person
local franco = new_person()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
print("" .. franco)
text = "Hello, " .. franco .. "!"
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new()
franco.name = "Franco"
franco.age = 1234
franco.gender = "Male"
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
extends Node
var name
var age
var gender
func _init():
name = ""
age = 0
gender = ""
func _ready():
name = "Franco"
age = 1234
gender = "Male"
var franco = self
printt(self, franco)
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
text = "Hello, " + str(self) + "!"
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
In JavaScript, the method toString()
(documentation) must be implemented to enable automatic conversion of classes to strings.
In Python, one must implement __str__()
In Lua, one should define __tostring
and __concat
for the metatable
: documentation; __concat
: documentation for version 5.1 and documentation for version 5.4).
In GDScript, one must implement _to_string()
The use of polymorphism to implement a subroutine for conversion of a record (or object) to string makes implicit (or explicit) conversions to string easier.
A second advantage is that it normally also allow using the standard common or subroutine to print data, such as print()
, to write the contents objects.
A constructor is a subroutine that allocates memory and initialize initial values for an OOP object.
For records, a register can be a simple function.
The function new_person()
, for instance, initialize the attributes of a records with values considered zero (zero for numbers, False
for logic values, empty string for text).
With some parameters, it could initialize the newly created variable with values provided by the call.
class Person {
constructor(name = "", age = 0, gender = "") {
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.gender = gender
toString() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
function Person(name = "", age = 0, gender = "") {
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.gender = gender
Person.prototype.toString = function() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
class Person:
def __init__(self, name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
def __str__(self):
result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
def __eq__(self, person):
if (type(self) != type(person)):
return false
return ((self.name == person.name) and
(self.age == person.age) and
(self.gender == person.gender))
def __nq__(self, person):
return (not self == person)
franco = Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
function equal_people(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function person_to_string(person)
local result = person.name .. " (" .. person.age .. " years old, gender " .. person.gender .. ")"
return result
function concatenate(x, y)
local result = tostring(x) .. tostring(y)
return result
local person_metatable = {
__eq = equal_people,
__tostring = person_to_string,
__concat = concatenate
function new_person(name, age, gender)
local data = {
name = name or "",
age = age or 0,
gender = gender or ""
local person = setmetatable(data, person_metatable)
return person
local franco = new_person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
print("" .. franco)
text = "Hello, " .. franco .. "!"
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new("Franco", 1234, "Male")
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
extends Node
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
func _ready():
name = "Franco"
age = 1234
gender = "Male"
var franco = self
printt(self, franco)
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
text = "Hello, " + str(self) + "!"
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
In many programming languages, the name of the parameter in the constructor must not be necessarily equal to the name of the attribute. They can be different; furthermore, the parameters from the signature can be different from the declared attributes. However, it is very common to the same name for parameter and variable, when it represents a direct assignment. Indeed, when all parameters are directly assigned to attributes without any processing (such as validation), one should consider whether the use of a simple record could be more appropriate than using a class.
Regardless, the use of a same name results in ambiguities, because there are two different variables in a same scope with identical names.
In the previous examples, the use of this
or self
remove ambiguities in such cases.
The use self
or this
explicitly reference the value stored in the class on in the record, instead of the local variable or parameter (which is references without the use of the reserved word).
Furthermore, the constructor can have additional code for data validation (instead of simple value assignment), if needed. Additionally, in programming languages that allow defining default values for parameters, they can be used to create optional fields in constructors.
For instance, in JavaScript:
new Person()
creates a variable with name""
, age0
and gender""
.new Person("Franco")
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age0
and gender""
.new Person("Franco", 1234)
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age1234
and gender""
.new Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age1234
and gender"Male"
It should be noted that is not possible to omit intermediate parameters.
For instance, new Person("Franco", "Male")
would assign "Male"
to age
As JavaScript does not perform type verification, the assignment would be valid.
A way to avoid the problem could be using assertions, which will be commented in a subsection.
Warning. In Python, the initialization of a default parameter cannot be a reference type; every reference type must be initialized for every object.
Otherwise, the data may be shared.
Thus, unless the value is of a primitive type, it is better to use None
as the default value, then set the desired value (for instance, an array, dictionary or object) in the constructor.
Subroutines as Constructors
It can be worth noticing that, if one renamed new_person()
to Person()
, the result in Lua would become very similar to constructors in programming languages that supports classes.
-- Remainder of the implementation...
function Person(name, age, gender)
local data = {
name = name or "",
age = age or 0,
gender = gender or ""
local person = setmetatable(data, person_metatable)
return person
local franco = Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
The result is a subroutine to create a record similarly to how it is done in Python and JavaScript.
Another possibility could be incorporating a subroutine for building variables (for instance, new()
) in a table called Person
-- Remainder of the implementation...
local Person = {
new = function(name, age, gender)
local data = {
name = name or "",
age = age or 0,
gender = gender or "",
local person = setmetatable(data, person_metatable)
return person
local franco = Person.new("Franco", 1234, "Male")
In the second case, the result is similar to how GDScript instances objects: Person.new()
Thus, the knowledge of programming fundamentals and techniques allow using existing features in a language as ways to incorporate some existing features from other languages. In a certain way, it is similar to creating your own custom language (or custom dialect) using the original language as the source material. Although the result might not be idiomatic, it is convenient and powerful incorporating resources that make you more efficient at using the language.
As usual, programming languages are tools. In potential, they are tools that can create new tools. Meta-tools, one could say. You can adapt them according to own your needs, to make them better for you.
Named Parameters
Although it is not possible in the traditional way (using positional parameters), there are ways to omit intermediate parameters. The first is more restrict, although the better option. Some programming languages (such as Python) provide a feature called named parameter. For instance, in Python:
creates a variable with name""
, age0
and gender""
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age0
and gender""
.Person("Franco", 1234)
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age1234
and gender""
.Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age1234
and gender"Male"
.Person(name = "Franco")
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age0
and gender""
.Person(name = "Franco", age = 1234)
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age1234
and gender""
.Person(name = "Franco", gender = "Male")
creates a variable with name"Franco"
, age0
and gender"Male"
With named parameters, the order and number of parameters does not matter.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
def __str__(self):
result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
def __eq__(self, person):
if (type(self) != type(person)):
return false
return ((self.name == person.name) and
(self.age == person.age) and
(self.gender == person.gender))
def __nq__(self, person):
return (not self == person)
print(Person("Franco", 1234))
print(Person("Franco", 1234, "Male"))
print(Person(name = "Franco"))
# Examples with out of order parameters.
print(Person(age = 1234, name = "Franco"))
print(Person(gender = "Male", age = 1234))
print(Person(gender = "Male", name = "Franco", age = 1234))
All calls to the Person()
constructor in the previous example are valid and initialize a new object with the chosen values for each named parameter.
In languages without named parameters, it is possible to use a dictionary as a parameter to simulate the technique. As the order of keys in a dictionary is irrelevant, the passage can be performed in any order. Similarly, if ones does not define a key, a default value can be used to initialize the ignored value.
In particular, this technique is common in JavaScript and has a feature which makes it easier to use, called destructuring assignment (documentation). Destructuring assignment allows writing:
let {x, y} = {"x": 1, "y": 2}
Instead of:
let d = {"x": 1, "y": 2}
let x = d["x"]
let y = d["y"]
Thus, the version in JavaScript will be more legible than the one defined for Lua and GDScript. Lua and GDScript requires the usual forms of accessing values in dictionaries. As Python provides the feature of named parameters, the implementation was omitted for the language.
class Person {
constructor({name, age, gender} = {name: "", age: 0, gender: ""}) {
// If name is undefined or null, initialized with the default value.
this.name = (name) ? name : ""
this.age = (age) ? age : 0
this.gender = (gender) ? gender : ""
toString() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person({
name: "Franco",
age: 1234,
gender: "Male"
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
function Person({name, age, gender} = {name: "", age: 0, gender: ""}) {
// If name is undefined or null, initialized with the default value.
this.name = (name) ? name : ""
this.age = (age) ? age : 0
this.gender = (gender) ? gender : ""
Person.prototype.toString = function() {
let result = this.name + " (" + this.age + " years old, gender " + this.gender + ")"
return result
let franco = new Person({
name: "Franco",
age: 1234,
gender: "Male"
console.log("" + franco)
let text = "Hello, " + franco + "!"
function equal_people(person1, person2)
if (type(person1) ~= type(person2)) then
return nil
return ((person1.name == person2.name) and
(person1.age == person2.age) and
(person1.gender == person2.gender))
function person_to_string(person)
local result = person.name .. " (" .. person.age .. " years old, gender " .. person.gender .. ")"
return result
function concatenate(x, y)
local result = tostring(x) .. tostring(y)
return result
local person_metatable = {
__eq = equal_people,
__tostring = person_to_string,
__concat = concatenate
function new_person(data)
data = data or {}
local data_person = {
name = data.name or "",
age = data.age or 0,
gender = data.gender or ""
local person = setmetatable(data_person, person_metatable)
return person
local franco = new_person({
name = "Franco",
age = 1234,
gender = "Male"
print("" .. franco)
text = "Hello, " .. franco .. "!"
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(data = {}):
self.name = data.get("name", "")
self.age = data.get("age", 0)
self.gender = data.get("gender", "")
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new({
name = "Franco",
age = 1234,
gender = "Male"
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
extends Node
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(data = {}):
self.name = data.get("name", "")
self.age = data.get("age", 0)
self.gender = data.get("gender", "")
func _ready():
name = "Franco",
age = 1234,
gender = "Male"
var franco = self
printt(self, franco)
var text = "Hello, " + str(franco) + "!"
text = "Hello, " + str(self) + "!"
func _to_string():
var result = self.name + " (" + str(self.age) + " years old, gender " + self.gender + ")"
return result
In GDScript using the file as a class, the example is strange.
A better alternative would be exporting variables for visual editing using the editor, with the reserved word export
before the declaration of each variable (documentation; the development version also has a tutorial with the new features that will be part of the version 4 of Godot Engine).
As the editor has not yet been detailed, this information is a curiosity for the time.
Except in JavaScript, that enables the initialization using destructuring assignment, I particularly would not recommend using the technique. The reason is that it hides the expected parameters from the subroutine definition, requiring documentation of the use of a default value as an example.
Subroutines can be functions, procedures or methods. Functions and procedures are subroutines that are independent. In OOP, methods are functions or subroutines that are part of classes, which make them able to access and modify the state (the attributes) of the class.
A way of thinking about the method is like a function that receives a variable with the type of the class as the first parameter.
This parameter can be called, for instance, this
or self
In some programming languages, this is exactly what happens.
class Person {
constructor(name = "", age = 0, gender = "") {
this.name = name
this.age = age
this.gender = gender
has_civil_majority() {
return (this.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
let franco = new Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
function has_civil_majority(person) {
if (!person.age) {
return undefined
return (person.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
function new_person(name = "", age = 0, gender = "") {
return {
"name": name,
"age": age,
"gender": gender,
"has_civil_majority": has_civil_majority
let franco = new_person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
from typing import Final
class Person:
def __init__(self, name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
def has_civil_majority(self):
return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
franco = Person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
function has_civil_majority(person)
if (person.age == nil) then
return false
return (person.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
function new_person(name, age, gender)
local person = {
name = name or "",
age = age or 0,
gender = gender or "",
-- Key Function reference
has_civil_majority = has_civil_majority
return person
local franco = new_person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
-- The operator : pass the variable itself as the first parameter to the called method.
extends Node
class Person:
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
func has_civil_majority():
# Or return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
func _ready():
var franco = Person.new("Franco", 1234, "Male")
extends Node
var name
var age
var gender
func _init(name = "", age = 0, gender = ""):
self.name = name
self.age = age
self.gender = gender
func _ready():
name = "Franco"
age = 1234
gender = "Male"
var franco = self
printt(self, franco)
printt(has_civil_majority(), franco.has_civil_majority())
func has_civil_majority():
# Ou: return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
In the examples, languages that support classes (and using class
, in the case of JavaScript) allow defining subroutines inside the definition of the class.
This has previously been done for polymorphism and operator overloading.
The inclusion in a class of an arbitrary subroutine defined by a programmer defines a method.
In the example for JavaScript Object, the call must include the own variable: franco.has_civil_majority(franco)
The same happens for one of the examples in Lua.
For ease of use, Lua defines the operator :
for use with table
The operator pass the variable itself as the first parameter of the called subroutine.
This is the reason why subroutines such as table.insert(my_table, value)
can be called as my_table:insert(value)
The creation of a table
in Lua includes insert()
and other subroutines for manipulating tables as attributes (they are variables that stores a generic function by reference).
The same happens for subroutines for string
in Lua.
If one wishes to create a similar implementation available in Lua for Java, a possibility would be defining an anonymous function (lambda) that called the original function.
function has_civil_majority(person) {
if (!person.age) {
return undefined
return (person.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
function new_person(name = "", age = 0, gender = "") {
let person = {
"name": name,
"age": age,
"gender": gender
person["has_civil_majority"] = function() {
return has_civil_majority(person)
return person
let franco = new_person("Franco", 1234, "Male")
With the modification, a call to franco.has_civil_majority()
would work with a JavaScript Object.
JavaScript define closures (documentation) for subroutines, allowing using the local variable person
defined in new_person()
in the created anonymous function.
However, this is not possible in every programming language. To reproduce the same technique in other programming languages, the language must provide anonymous functions, and either closures or variable captures.
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Lua
With the current information, it is possible to start prototyping simple object orientation systems in Lua. This section is mostly for trivia at this time; it is not required to understand it to follow the remainder of this topic.
With metatable
, one can make the Lua's code snippet closer to OOP code.
The approach is detailed in Lua's Programming in Lua (Chapter 16) and (Section 16.1).
The following code snippet is an adaptation of the approach.
-- Person serves as the type and the metatable for the type.
local Person = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = ""
function Person:has_civil_majority()
-- self is the implicit parameter provided by the : operator.
if (self.age == nil) then
return false
return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
-- This is the constructor.
function Person:new(name, age, gender)
local result = {}
-- self acts as the metatable for Person.
setmetatable(result, self)
self.__index = self
result.name = name or self.name
result.age = age or self.age
result.gender = gender or self.gender
return result
-- NOTE The creation must use : operator instead of the .
local franco = Person:new("Franco", 1234, "Male")
print(franco.name, franco.age, franco.gender)
local you = Person:new("You", 4321, "???")
print(you.name, you.age, you.gender)
-- All these calls access data from franco.
print(franco.name, franco.age, franco.gender)
The definition of a subroutine using :
(as in Person:has_civil_majority()
and Person:new()
) adds an implicit self
parameter to the signature.
Thus, for instance, Person:new()
is equivalent to Person:new(self)
The metatable
uses Person
as a class definition.
The set-up of __index
modifies the behavior of table indexing.
It makes it possible to use the subroutines and attributes of the Person
in the new variable (object) created by Person.new()
As name
, age
and gender
are attributes of primitive types, the result are independent copies.
However, if one attribute was a table (for instance, an array or dictionary), the variable would be shared, requiring a deep copy instead.
The following example highlights alternatives to define methods in Lua.
In particular, one construction should be avoided: ClassName.method_name()
, because it uses the ClassName
instead of the variable created with ClassName:new()
The other constructions are equivalent.
-- Person serves as the type and the metatable for the type.
local Person = {
name = "",
age = 0,
gender = "",
-- This is a virtual method.
has_civil_majority = function(self)
if (self.age == nil) then
return false
return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
-- This is a virtual method.
Person.has_civil_majority_alternative_1 = function(self)
if (self.age == nil) then
return false
return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
-- This is a virtual method.
function Person:has_civil_majority_alternative_2()
-- self is the implicit parameter provided by the : operator.
if (self.age == nil) then
return false
return (self.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
-- This is a base class method.
-- This one will have a different result.
-- In OOP, it would access the data from the parent class (superclass).
function Person.has_civil_majority_alternative_3()
-- Person is the local variable defined previously.
if (Person.age == nil) then
return false
-- This means that age is 0.
-- print(Person.age)
return (Person.age >= MINIMUM_CIVIL_AGE_OF_MAJORITY)
-- This is the constructor.
function Person:new(name, age, gender)
local result = {}
-- self acts as the metatable for Person.
setmetatable(result, self)
self.__index = self
result.name = name or self.name
result.age = age or self.age
result.gender = gender or self.gender
return result
-- NOTE The creation must use : operator instead of the .
local franco = Person:new("Franco", 1234, "Male")
print(franco.name, franco.age, franco.gender)
local you = Person:new("You", 4321, "???")
print(you.name, you.age, you.gender)
-- All these calls access data from franco.
print(franco.name, franco.age, franco.gender)
-- These do not make the call using franco, they make the call using
-- the values of the Person metatable.
For a list of OOP libraries for Lua, you can refer to this entry of lua-users.org.
Techniques Using Records
This section returns to the basics of registers as groupings of data. Additional features such as polymorphism and operator overloading are not necessary to understand the basics. Constructors with or without parameters can be used as simple subroutines.
To focus on data instead of OOP, the version of the implementation using JavaScript will use class
and the version in GDScript will use inner classes.
You can opt to define subroutines as method, if you prefer.
The examples will implement subroutines as independent functions and procedures.
Array of Records (Array of Structures)
A way of relating data in different arrays consists of using the technique of parallel arrays (structures of arrays). Indeed, now it is possible to explore the structure part of the name. However, the most common technique is to define an array of records (array of structures), especially in OOP.
An array of structures combines all data that must be represented about an entity in a record. Instead of sharing data using an index, all data of the entity will be available in the defined record.
For instance, to store the name, the extension and an example for an arbitrary programming languages, one could define three parallel arrays: languages_name
, languages_extension
e languages_example
In this case, languages_
was adopted as the prefix for the arrays.
With an array of structures, one can define a single array that stores all data into a single record (for instance, Language
or ProgrammingLanguage
) with three fields: name
, extension
and example
Each position of the array will store one record.
All data will be grouped together in the record.
class ProgrammingLanguage {
constructor(name = "", extension = "", example = "") {
this.name = name
this.extension = extension
this.example = example
let languages = [
new ProgrammingLanguage("JavaScript", ".js", "console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new ProgrammingLanguage("Python", ".py", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new ProgrammingLanguage("Lua", ".lua", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new ProgrammingLanguage("GDScript", ".gd", "extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
for (let language of languages) {
console.log("Programming Language: " + language.name)
console.log("Extension: " + language.extension)
class ProgrammingLanguage:
def __init__(self, name = "", extension = "", example = ""):
self.name = name
self.extension = extension
self.example = example
languages = [
ProgrammingLanguage("JavaScript", ".js", "console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage("Python", ".py", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage("Lua", ".lua", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage("GDScript", ".gd", "extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
for language in languages:
print("Programming Language: " + language.name)
print("Extension: " + language.extension)
function new_programming_language(name, extension, example)
local result = {
name = name or "",
extension = extension or "",
example = example or ""
return result
local languages = {
new_programming_language("JavaScript", ".js", "console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new_programming_language("Python", ".py", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new_programming_language("Lua", ".lua", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
new_programming_language("GDScript", ".gd", "extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
for _, language in ipairs(languages) do
print("Programming Language: " .. language.name)
print("Extension: " .. language.extension)
extends Node
class ProgrammingLanguage:
var name
var extension
var example
func _init(name = "", extension = "", example = ""):
self.name = name
self.extension = extension
self.example = example
func _ready():
var languages = [
ProgrammingLanguage.new("JavaScript", ".js", "console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage.new("Python", ".py", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage.new("Lua", ".lua", "print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
ProgrammingLanguage.new("GDScript", ".gd", "extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"),
for language in languages:
print("Programming Language: " + language.name)
print("Extension: " + language.extension)
Arrays of structures are common in object-oriented programming. For programming beginners, they provide a good approach to organize and model solutions for problems.
Record of Arrays (Structure of Arrays) or Parallel Arrays in a Record
For a proper structure of arrays, one can modify the version using parallel arrays. All arrays representing all entities will be stored in a single record; each entity is accessed by its shared index among the different arrays. In other words, the approach is the contrary of the data abstraction proposed by OOP.
class ProgrammingLanguages {
constructor(names = [], extensions = [], examples = []) {
this.names = names
this.extensions = extensions
this.examples = examples
let languages = new ProgrammingLanguages(
["JavaScript", "Python", "Lua", "GDScript"],
[".js", ".py", ".lua", ".gd"],
"console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"
for (let language_index in languages.names) {
console.log("Programming Language: " + languages.names[language_index])
console.log("Extension: " + languages.extensions[language_index])
class ProgrammingLanguages:
def __init__(self, names = "", extensions = "", examples = ""):
self.names = names
self.extensions = extensions
self.examples = examples
languages = ProgrammingLanguages(
["JavaScript", "Python", "Lua", "GDScript"],
[".js", ".py", ".lua", ".gd"],
"console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"
for language_index in range(len(languages.names)):
print("Programming Language: " + languages.names[language_index])
print("Extension: " + languages.extensions[language_index])
function new_programming_languages(names, extensions, examples)
local result = {
names = names or {},
extensions = extensions or {},
examples = examples or {}
return result
local languages = new_programming_languages(
{"JavaScript", "Python", "Lua", "GDScript"},
{".js", ".py", ".lua", ".gd"},
"console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"
for language_index = 1, #languages.names do
print("Programming Language: " .. languages.names[language_index])
print("Extension: " .. languages.extensions[language_index])
extends Node
class ProgrammingLanguages:
var names
var extensions
var examples
func _init(names = "", extensions = "", examples = ""):
self.names = names
self.extensions = extensions
self.examples = examples
func _ready():
var languages = ProgrammingLanguages.new(
["JavaScript", "Python", "Lua", "GDScript"],
[".js", ".py", ".lua", ".gd"],
"console.log(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")",
"extends Node\nfunc _ready():\n print(\"Hello, my name is Franco!\")"
for language_index in range(len(languages.names)):
print("Programming Language: " + languages.names[language_index])
print("Extension: " + languages.extensions[language_index])
Depending on the characteristics for data use and iteration, the performance of an implementation with an array of structures or with a register of arrays can greatly vary. For instance, in digital games with millions of entities, the use of a structure of arrays can have better performance, because it stores the data of each array sequentially in memory. This contributes to optimize the use of cache memory in loops with repetitions for thousands or millions of game entities. This approach is commonly used in a software architecture called Entity-Component-System (ECS).
On the other hand, business systems may process data from one entity a time (instead of thousands of similar entities a time). In this case, an array of structures can have better performance, if all data from a very same entity are stored sequentially (all of them could be retrieved at once). In practice, this does not always happen, though, because objects are commonly modeled as hierarchies or compositions of other objects. In other words, there may not be a guarantee they will be stored in contiguous memory positions. The use of good database management systems (DBMSs) can ease the problem, though care is required when storing the data in primary memory upon retrieval.
In general, as in every case, the ideal situation is measuring and comparing the performance using a tool such as a profile instead of assuming the behavior for a particular program. Each case is its own case.
Records Composition: Records With Records
A record can be defined by primitive types and composite types. In potential, one can compose a record by other preexisting records. To do this, it suffices to add an attribute to the record that is of the type of the other record.
For instance, a recipe can have a name
, preparation_steps
, and a list of ingredients
Each ingredient can have a name
, a quantity
and unit of measure (for instance, mass or volume -- measure_unit
One can define two records for this modeling: one for Ingredient
, one for Recipe
The record recipe Recipe
can have an array (or a list) of Ingredient
class Ingredient {
constructor(name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = "") {
this.name = name
this.quantity = quantity
this.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe {
constructor(name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = []) {
this.name = name
this.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
this.ingredients = ingredients
let water = new Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups")
let flour = new Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups")
let salt = new Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons")
let yeast = new Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
let bread = new Recipe("Bread")
bread.preparation_steps = "..."
for (let ingredient of bread.ingredients) {
console.log("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + ingredient.quantity + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
console.log("Preparation steps:")
class Ingredient:
def __init__(self, name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = ""):
self.name = name
self.quantity = quantity
self.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe:
def __init__(self, name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = None):
self.name = name
self.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
self.ingredients = ingredients if (ingredients != None) else []
water = Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups")
flour = Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups")
salt = Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons")
yeast = Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
bread = Recipe("Bread")
bread.preparation_steps = "..."
for ingredient in bread.ingredients:
print("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + str(ingredient.quantity) + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
print("Preparation steps:")
function new_ingredient(name, quantity, measure_unit)
local result = {
name = name or "",
quantity = quantity or 0.0,
measure_unit = measure_unit or ""
return result
function new_recipe(name, preparation_steps, ingredients)
local result = {
name = name or "",
preparation_steps = quantity or "",
ingredients = ingredients or {}
return result
local water = new_ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups")
local flour = new_ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups")
local salt = new_ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons")
local yeast = new_ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
local bread = new_recipe("Bread")
table.insert(bread.ingredients, water)
table.insert(bread.ingredients, flour)
table.insert(bread.ingredients, salt)
table.insert(bread.ingredients, yeast)
bread.preparation_steps = "..."
for _, ingredient in ipairs(bread.ingredients) do
print("- " .. ingredient.name .. ": " .. ingredient.quantity .. " " .. ingredient.measure_unit)
print("Preparation steps:")
extends Node
class Ingredient:
var name
var quantity
var measure_unit
func _init(name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = ""):
self.name = name
self.quantity = quantity
self.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe:
var name
var preparation_steps
var ingredients
func _init(name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = []):
self.name = name
self.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
self.ingredients = ingredients
func _ready():
var water = Ingredient.new("Water", 3.0, "Cups")
var flour = Ingredient.new("Flour", 4.0, "Cups")
var salt = Ingredient.new("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons")
var yeast = Ingredient.new("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
var bread = Recipe.new("Bread")
bread.preparation_steps = "..."
for ingredient in bread.ingredients:
print("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + str(ingredient.quantity) + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
print("Preparation steps:")
It is possible to modify the example to change the initialization.
For instance, instead of inserting each Ingredient
in the ingredients
array, one could initialize the array directly in the subroutine used as constructor.
For instance:
bread = new Recipe("Bread",
In particular, it would be even more convenient defining subroutines for valid operations to manipulate the records, as it will be discussed in one of the following subsections.
Data Abstraction and Modeling Granularity
If one wishes, she/he could define records for unit of measure (MeasureUnit
, that could combine quantity
and measure_unit
in a single type) or for the preparation steps (for instance, it could be divided into initial_preparation
, instructions
, preparation_time
, tips
, how_to_serve
Thus, it is always possible to create more (or less) data types to abstract values. More types mean that the solution has higher data abstraction and greater granularity. The granularity defines the detailing and structuring of the data type.
The choice of granularity depends on the problem to be modeled. Greater granularity is not always better; ideally, there should be an equilibrium. Greater granularity means that the solution will be more detailed and compartmentalized, which makes it easier to access data (because there will exist more fields to access and consult). Although more structured, the program can be harder to use and require more effort to implement. Smaller granularity means the type will be closer to a primitive type. Although simpler to store, data extraction will be more complex (because it will possibly require processing the primitive type).
In particular, a useful criterion to define granularity is determined what values will be searched for in a program. Variables that represent a same object or a same entity can have the same instance of a type, to make searches easier.
For instance, one can consider modeling an address.
The address may be a simple string.
It could also be a record composed of fields such as street
, number
, city
, province
, country
, postal_code
, complement
In the first case, the extraction of a street would require manipulating the string.
If there did not exist a standard to define the address, the extraction could be complex or even impossible (where is the city in the string? It can be anywhere).
In the second case, the extraction is simple: address.street
On the other hand, the set-up of the record requires mode operations (both for the initial implementation and when using the system).
In the simplest form, instead of requesting a single value (the complete address), the program should read a value for street
, another for number
, and so on for every field.
It is worth noticing forms in websites or in program. Each provided field in a sign up form allows inferring how the data is stored and processed in the system, as well as how they are consulted.
For instance, in the second approach, a more sophisticated form and data model could continue the composition.
One could define a record Country
, composed by a collection of Provice
, each of which composed by a collection of City
The greater the number of unique structures, the greater the granularity.
It is also possible saving memory instancing each value a single time, and referencing the created variable whenever needed.
A benefit is centralizing the local of the updates: for instance, to update the information about one City
in all addresses that mentions it, it would suffice modifying the original reference (instead of modifying each individual address).
Record With Reference to the Record Itself
As there exists recursive subroutines, there are recursive data types (or recursive structures or recursive classes). In other words, a data type that has an attribute of its own data type.
For instance, a system can be composed of subsystems (that are also system). A section can be composed of subsections (which are also sections). A list can be composed of sublists (which are also lists and have been used over this topic).
In fact, data structures are commonly implemented as recursive data types. One can think of a list as a record that stores a value and a reference to the own type of the list (the next entry).
In some programming languages, a forward declaration of the new type before adding an attribute of the record itself. This happens because some compilers and interpreters must know the existence of a data type before using it (for instance, to know the required quantity of memory to allocate a variable of the type). The forward declaration informs the tool that the type will exist (at some time), even if it was not yet implement. This is possible because references to memory address typically have fixed addressing size (4 bytes for 32-bit systems and 8 bytes for 64-bit systems).
The following example presents a prototype of a record for a type for an linked item list.
The type ListItem
has two fields: the stored value
and a reference to the next
item of the list.
An entry on which the next
value is an invalid or empty reference (null
or nil
, in the considered languages) means the ending of the list.
To make it easier to read, one could define a constant LIST_END = null
, although the use an empty reference is common and idiomatic.
class ListItem {
constructor(value, next = null) {
this.value = value
this.next = next}
let numbers = new ListItem(1,
new ListItem(2,
new ListItem(3)))
let list_item = numbers
while (list_item !== null) {
list_item = list_item.next
class ListItem:
def __init__(self, value, next = None):
self.value = value
self.next = next
numbers = ListItem(1,
list_item = numbers
while (list_item != None):
list_item = list_item.next
function new_list_item(value, next)
local result = {
value = value,
next = next or nil
return result
local numbers = new_list_item(1,
local list_item = numbers
while (list_item ~= nil) do
list_item = list_item.next
extends Node
class ListItem:
var value
var next
func _init(value, next = null):
self.value = value
self.next = next
func _ready():
var numbers = ListItem.new(1,
var list_item = numbers
while (list_item != null):
list_item = list_item.next
A linked list is one of the most basic to implement dynamic data structures.
The example presents insertions at the end (push()
, push_back()
or append()
A complete implementation would offer insertions at arbitrary positions and removals.
To do this, it is worth integrating records with subroutines.
Records and Subroutines
Records can abstract data (data abstraction). Subroutines can abstract processing (functional abstraction). The combination of records and subroutines allows abstracting data and processing. Indeed, such combination is one of the fundamental characteristics of OOP.
Instead of rewriting operations to manipulate every record created as a data type, one can define subroutines to do so. Subroutine for records work as subroutines and operators for primitive types: they can define predefined operations to manipulate data with convenience and safety. In OOP, this is part of operations defined as method (and, possibly, as overloaded operators) and of a desirable characteristic names encapsulation.
For instance, OOP implementation commonly defined code with methods called getters and setters.
Generically, these methods are called accessor methods.
The goal of a get()
method is retrieving the value of an attribute.
The goal of a set()
method is to set (initialize or modify) a value that is considered valid for the class, and prohibit invalid changes.
In other words, they guarantee that an object always has a valid state, which ensures it consistency and safety for use.
For an introductory example, one can consider an elevator.
An elevator can have a current_floor
, minimum_floor
and a maximum_floor
The current_floor
must be less than or equal to maximum_floor
It also must be greater than or equal to minimum_floor
If one considers underground floors as negative floors, floors value could be negative as well.
For English readers, it is important noticing that floor conventions vary between countries, though they are not particularly important for this example.
class Elevator {
constructor(starting_floor = 0, minimum_floor = 0, maximum_floor = 5) {
let maximum = minimum_floor
let minimum = minimum_floor
if (minimum_floor > maximum_floor) {
minimum = maximum_floor
} else {
maximum = maximum_floor
let initial = starting_floor
if (starting_floor < minimum) {
initial = minimum
} else if (starting_floor > maximum) {
initial = maximum
this.minimum_floor = minimum
this.maximum_floor = maximum
this.current_floor = initial
function set_floor(elevator, new_floor) {
if ((new_floor >= elevator.minimum_floor) && (new_floor <= elevator.maximum_floor)) {
elevator.current_floor = new_floor
function go_up_one_floor(elevator) {
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor + 1)
function go_down_one_floor(elevator) {
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor - 1)
function random_integer(minimum_inclusive, maximum_inclusive) {
let minimum = Math.ceil(minimum_inclusive)
let maximum = Math.floor(maximum_inclusive)
return Math.floor(minimum + Math.random() * (maximum + 1 - minimum))
let elevator = new Elevator(0, 0, 5)
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
let starting_floor = elevator.current_floor
console.log("The elevator is on the " + starting_floor + "º floor")
if (random_integer(0, 1) === 0) {
console.log("Next command: go down")
} else {
console.log("Next command: go up")
let floor_final = elevator.current_floor
if (starting_floor !== floor_final) {
} else {
console.log("... Nothing happens.")
console.log("The elevator is on the " + elevator.current_floor + "º floor")
import random
class Elevator:
def __init__(self, starting_floor = 0, minimum_floor = 0, maximum_floor = 5):
maximum = minimum_floor
minimum = minimum_floor
if (minimum_floor > maximum_floor):
minimum = maximum_floor
maximum = maximum_floor
initial = starting_floor
if (starting_floor < minimum):
initial = minimum
elif (starting_floor > maximum):
initial = maximum
self.minimum_floor = minimum
self.maximum_floor = maximum
self.current_floor = initial
def set_floor(elevator, new_floor):
if ((new_floor >= elevator.minimum_floor) and (new_floor <= elevator.maximum_floor)):
elevator.current_floor = new_floor
def go_up_one_floor(elevator):
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor + 1)
def go_down_one_floor(elevator):
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor - 1)
elevator = Elevator(0, 0, 5)
for i in range(10):
starting_floor = elevator.current_floor
print("The elevator is on the " + str(starting_floor) + "º floor")
if (random.randint(0, 1) == 0):
print("Next command: go down")
print("Next command: go up")
floor_final = elevator.current_floor
if (starting_floor != floor_final):
print("... Nothing happens.")
print("The elevator is on the " + str(elevator.current_floor) + "º floor")
function new_elevator(starting_floor, minimum_floor, maximum_floor)
starting_floor = starting_floor or 0
minimum_floor = minimum_floor or 0
maximum_floor = maximum_floor or 0
local maximum = minimum_floor
local minimum = minimum_floor
if (minimum_floor > maximum_floor) then
minimum = maximum_floor
maximum = maximum_floor
local initial = starting_floor
if (starting_floor < minimum) then
initial = minimum
elseif (starting_floor > maximum) then
initial = maximum
local result = {
minimum_floor = minimum,
maximum_floor = maximum,
current_floor = initial
return result
function set_floor(elevator, new_floor)
if ((new_floor >= elevator.minimum_floor) and (new_floor <= elevator.maximum_floor)) then
elevator.current_floor = new_floor
function go_up_one_floor(elevator)
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor + 1)
function go_down_one_floor(elevator)
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor - 1)
local elevator = new_elevator(0, 0, 5)
for i = 1, 10 do
local starting_floor = elevator.current_floor
print("The elevator is on the " .. starting_floor .. "º floor")
if (math.random(0, 1) == 0) then
print("Next command: go down")
print("Next command: go up")
local floor_final = elevator.current_floor
if (starting_floor ~= floor_final) then
print("... Nothing happens.")
print("The elevator is on the " .. elevator.current_floor .. "º floor")
extends Node
class Elevator:
var current_floor
var minimum_floor
var maximum_floor
func _init(starting_floor = 0, minimum_floor = 0, maximum_floor = 5):
var maximum = minimum_floor
var minimum = minimum_floor
if (minimum_floor > maximum_floor):
minimum = maximum_floor
maximum = maximum_floor
var initial = starting_floor
if (starting_floor < minimum):
initial = minimum
elif (starting_floor > maximum):
initial = maximum
self.minimum_floor = minimum
self.maximum_floor = maximum
self.current_floor = initial
func set_floor(elevator, new_floor):
if ((new_floor >= elevator.minimum_floor) and (new_floor <= elevator.maximum_floor)):
elevator.current_floor = new_floor
func go_up_one_floor(elevator):
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor + 1)
func go_down_one_floor(elevator):
set_floor(elevator, elevator.current_floor - 1)
func random_integer(minimum_inclusive, maximum_inclusive):
var minimum = ceil(minimum_inclusive)
var maximum = floor(maximum_inclusive)
# randi(): [0.0, 1.0[
return randi() % int(maximum + 1 - minimum) + minimum
func _ready():
var elevator = Elevator.new(0, 0, 5)
for i in range(10):
var starting_floor = elevator.current_floor
print("The elevator is on the " + str(starting_floor) + "º floor")
if (random_integer(0, 1) == 0):
print("Next command: go down")
print("Next command: go up")
var floor_final = elevator.current_floor
if (starting_floor != floor_final):
print("... Nothing happens.")
print("The elevator is on the " + str(elevator.current_floor) + "º floor")
The example provides the most robust constructor presented in this topic. The implementation ensures that all used values are valid to guarantee the consistency of the data to be processed. The provided checks guarantee that the values are initialized according to the problem's specification. Technically, as the languages in the examples are dynamically typed, there still exists the possibility of assigning a value of an invalid type to the values; this will be commented in one of the next subsections.
For a possible improvement, one could define a procedure write_floor()
This way, it could write the ground floor instead of floor zero.
It also could use the correct suffix for the ordinal number, which currently uses the Portuguese convention.
Regardless, procedural languages normally do not guarantee data integrity against direct assignments.
Although set_floor()
does not allow the assignment of an invalid value to the variable current_floor
, one could still write elevator.current_floor = 1234
(assuming that 1234
is greater than maximum_floor
) or elevator.current_floor = "Franco"
In OOP, it is possible to inhibit such misuse with access modifier access specifiers.
Three of most common options are private
, public
and protected
, which appear, for instance, in languages such as C++, Java and C#.
An attribute with public access is similar to a record attribute: it can be accessed and modified anywhere in the code where the object is in scope.
An attribute with private access can be modified only by the class that defines it.
An attribute with protected access can be modified only by the class that has defined it or by its derived classes (subclasses).
Thus, private
and protected
could be used to inhibit restricted values' reads and writes (provided they were used, the subroutines were converted to methods, and that a method get_current_floor()
provided access to the restricted value).
As the topic is not about OOP, one must have responsibility and maturity to correctly use the implementation. Modifications must be performed using only the defined subroutines, even if values could be changed directly. This must be self-imposed. In fact, many good OOP practices can be applied to other programming languages by means of common sense, judgment and self-control.
Abstract Data Types (ADTs)
The combination of data abstraction with functional abstraction can be used to create abstract data types (or ADTs). A possible implementation of an abstract data type is called a concrete data type.
An abstract data type defines an interface to hide implementation details of a record. Instead of direct manipulating the internal variables, one use the defined subroutines to program using the ADT. The definition of the subroutines is responsible to correctly modify the attributes. In other words, the data and the code to process them are mere implementation details. The use of the type must be performed only with the provided subroutines.
The specification of interfaces to data structures is a typical example of abstract data types. For instance, a list can include following operations:
- Create a list;
- Add elements to the list;
- Remove elements from the list;
- Access list element;
- Iterate over the list.
To demonstrate the potential of the approach, the example for the the ListItem
can be expanded to define a type List
, that implements a linked list (hence called LinkedList
Although the implementation does not use any features that has not been previously mentioned (in Python, del
allows deallocating memory, as previously mentioned in dictionaries), it is more complex than other examples presented hitherto.
For this topic, the main takeaway is not to completely understand the example, though to notice that the operations defined as subroutines allow to hide the implementation details of the record.
class ListItem {
constructor(value, next = null) {
this.value = value
this.next = next
class LinkedList {
constructor() {
this.beginning = null
this.size = 0
function access_list_item(a_list, index) {
if ((index < 0) || (index >= a_list.size)) {
return null
let current_index = 0
let list_item = a_list.beginning
while (current_index < index) {
list_item = list_item.next
return list_item
// Negative index inserts to the end of the list.
function add_to_list(a_list, value, index = -1) {
if (index > a_list.size) {
// Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
let new_item = new ListItem(value)
if (!a_list.beginning) {
a_list.beginning = new_item
} else {
if (index === 0) {
new_item.next = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = new_item
} else {
if (index < 0) {
index = a_list.size
let previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
new_item.next = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = new_item
return a_list
// Negative index removes from the end of the list.
function remove_from_list(a_list, index = -1) {
if (!a_list.beginning) {
// Empty list, there is nothing to remove.
return a_list
} else if (index >= a_list.size) {
// Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
if (index === 0) {
let item_to_remove = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = a_list.beginning.next
item_to_remove = null
} else {
if (index < 0) {
index = a_list.size - 1
let previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
let item_to_remove = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = item_to_remove.next
item_to_remove = null
return a_list
function write_list(a_list) {
let list_item = a_list.beginning
let text = "["
while (list_item) {
text += list_item.value + ", "
list_item = list_item.next
text += "]"
let numbers = new LinkedList()
add_to_list(numbers, 1)
add_to_list(numbers, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 3)
add_to_list(numbers, 0, 0)
add_to_list(numbers, 1.5, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 2.5, 4)
add_to_list(numbers, 4, 6)
add_to_list(numbers, 3.5, 6)
remove_from_list(numbers, 0)
remove_from_list(numbers, 1)
remove_from_list(numbers, 3)
class ListItem:
def __init__(self, value, next = None):
self.value = value
self.next = next
class LinkedList:
def __init__(self):
self.beginning = None
self.size = 0
def access_list_item(a_list, index):
if ((index < 0) or (index >= a_list.size)):
return None
current_index = 0
list_item = a_list.beginning
while (current_index < index):
list_item = list_item.next
current_index += 1
return list_item
# Negative index inserts to the end of the list.
def add_to_list(a_list, value, index = -1):
if (index > a_list.size):
# Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
new_item = ListItem(value)
if (not a_list.beginning):
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index == 0):
new_item.next = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index < 0):
index = a_list.size
previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
new_item.next = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = new_item
a_list.size += 1
return a_list
# Negative index removes from the end of the list.
def remove_from_list(a_list, index = -1):
if (not a_list.beginning):
# Empty list, there is nothing to remove.
return a_list
elif (index >= a_list.size):
# Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
if (index == 0):
item_to_remove = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = a_list.beginning.next
del item_to_remove
if (index < 0):
index = a_list.size - 1
previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
item_to_remove = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = item_to_remove.next
a_list.size -= 1
return a_list
def write_list(a_list):
list_item = a_list.beginning
text = "["
while (list_item):
text += str(list_item.value) + ", "
list_item = list_item.next
text += "]"
numbers = LinkedList()
add_to_list(numbers, 1)
add_to_list(numbers, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 3)
add_to_list(numbers, 0, 0)
add_to_list(numbers, 1.5, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 2.5, 4)
add_to_list(numbers, 4, 6)
add_to_list(numbers, 3.5, 6)
remove_from_list(numbers, 0)
remove_from_list(numbers, 1)
remove_from_list(numbers, 3)
function new_list_item(value, next)
local result = {
value = value,
next = next or nil
return result
function new_linked_list()
local result = {
beginning = nil,
size = 0
return result
function access_list_item(a_list, index)
if ((index < 1) or (index > a_list.size)) then
return nil
local current_index = 1
local list_item = a_list.beginning
while (current_index < index) do
list_item = list_item.next
current_index = current_index + 1
return list_item
-- Zero or negative index inserts to the end of the list.
function add_to_list(a_list, value, index)
index = index or -1
if (index > (a_list.size + 1)) then
-- Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
local new_item = new_list_item(value)
if (not a_list.beginning) then
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index == 1) then
new_item.next = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index <= 0) then
index = a_list.size + 1
local previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
new_item.next = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = new_item
a_list.size = a_list.size + 1
return a_list
-- Zero or negative index removes from the end of the list.
function remove_from_list(a_list, index)
index = index or -1
if (not a_list.beginning) then
-- Empty list, there is nothing to remove.
return a_list
elseif (index > a_list.size) then
-- Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
if (index == 1) then
local item_to_remove = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = a_list.beginning.next
item_to_remove = nil
if (index <= 0) then
index = a_list.size
local previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
local item_to_remove = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = item_to_remove.next
item_to_remove = nil
a_list.size = a_list.size - 1
return a_list
function write_list(a_list)
local list_item = a_list.beginning
local text = "["
while (list_item) do
text = text .. tostring(list_item.value) .. ", "
list_item = list_item.next
text = text .. "]"
local numbers = new_linked_list()
add_to_list(numbers, 1)
add_to_list(numbers, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 3)
add_to_list(numbers, 0, 1)
add_to_list(numbers, 1.5, 3)
add_to_list(numbers, 2.5, 5)
add_to_list(numbers, 4, 7)
add_to_list(numbers, 3.5, 7)
remove_from_list(numbers, 1)
remove_from_list(numbers, 2)
remove_from_list(numbers, 4)
extends Node
class ListItem:
var value
var next
func _init(value, next = null):
self.value = value
self.next = next
class LinkedList:
var beginning
var size
func _init():
self.beginning = null
self.size = 0
func access_list_item(a_list, index):
if ((index < 0) or (index >= a_list.size)):
return null
var current_index = 0
var list_item = a_list.beginning
while (current_index < index):
list_item = list_item.next
current_index += 1
return list_item
# Negative index inserts to the end of the list.
func add_to_list(a_list, value, index = -1):
if (index > a_list.size):
# Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
var new_item = ListItem.new(value)
if (not a_list.beginning):
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index == 0):
new_item.next = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = new_item
if (index < 0):
index = a_list.size
var previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
new_item.next = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = new_item
a_list.size += 1
return a_list
# Negative index removes from the end of the list.
func remove_from_list(a_list, index = -1):
if (not a_list.beginning):
# Empty list, there is nothing to remove.
return a_list
elif (index >= a_list.size):
# Index after the final of the list; usage error.
return a_list
if (index == 0):
var item_to_remove = a_list.beginning
a_list.beginning = a_list.beginning.next
# item_to_remove.unreference()
item_to_remove = null
if (index < 0):
index = a_list.size - 1
var previous_item = access_list_item(a_list, index - 1)
var item_to_remove = previous_item.next
previous_item.next = item_to_remove.next
# item_to_remove.unreference()
item_to_remove = null
a_list.size -= 1
return a_list
func write_list(a_list):
var list_item = a_list.beginning
var text = "["
while (list_item):
text += str(list_item.value) + ", "
list_item = list_item.next
text += "]"
func _ready():
var numbers = LinkedList.new()
add_to_list(numbers, 1)
add_to_list(numbers, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 3)
add_to_list(numbers, 0, 0)
add_to_list(numbers, 1.5, 2)
add_to_list(numbers, 2.5, 4)
add_to_list(numbers, 4, 6)
add_to_list(numbers, 3.5, 6)
remove_from_list(numbers, 0)
remove_from_list(numbers, 1)
remove_from_list(numbers, 3)
The example does not provide a subroutine for iteration, although it could be implemented, for instance, as a function access_next_item()
Although the implementation of the linked list is more complex than usual, it is simple to operate with a variable of the type LinkedList
and it is similar to the use of arrays and lists in languages such as JavaScript, Python, GDScript and Lua:
- The creation of the list uses the provided constructor if supported by the language or the provided creation function (
); - The insertion of a value to the list uses the function
; - The removal of a value from the list uses the function
; - The access to a value from the list uses the function
In languages that provide support for operator overloading, it would be possible, for instance, to define the square brackets' operator to access the value of an index in the list. That would make reading a value similar to retrieving a value in an array.
Record as Parameter to Subroutine
In complex problems, it is possible that a subroutine need to receive many parameters. For instance, complex simulations can have tens or hundreds of variables as configuration parameters. However, the use of subroutines with multiple parameters become complex. In particular, it can become hard to introduce or remove a parameter to/from the definition of a subroutine.
In such cases, instead of defining a long list of parameters, it can be better defining a record with the single parameter to the subroutine. All other parameters can be added to the record. The default values for the record can be the most commonly used values for the subroutine. Thus, one could modify the desired values for custom calls.
class ComplexFunctionParameters {
constructor() {
this.greetings = "Hello"
this.name = "Franco"
this.goodbye = "Goodbye."
function my_complex_subroutine(parameters) {
console.log(parameters.greetings, parameters.name, parameters.goodbye)
var parameters = new ComplexFunctionParameters()
parameters.greetings = "Hi"
class ComplexFunctionParameters:
def __init__(self):
self.greetings = "Hello"
self.name = "Franco"
self.goodbye = "Goodbye."
def my_complex_subroutine(parameters):
print(parameters.greetings, parameters.name, parameters.goodbye)
parameters = ComplexFunctionParameters()
parameters.greetings = "Hi"
function new_complex_function_parameters()
local result = {
greetings = "Hello!",
name = "Franco",
goodbye = "Goodbye."
return result
function my_complex_subroutine(parameters)
print(parameters.greetings, parameters.name, parameters.goodbye)
local parameters = new_complex_function_parameters()
parameters.greetings = "Hi"
extends Node
class ComplexFunctionParameters:
var greetings = "Hello!"
var name = "Franco"
var goodbye = "Goodbye."
func my_complex_subroutine(parameters):
printt(parameters.greetings, parameters.name, parameters.goodbye)
func _ready():
var parameters = ComplexFunctionParameters.new()
parameters.greetings = "Hi"
The example defines only three parameters, though they could be 10 or 20, for instance. It is important noticing that the values are not defined in the constructor; otherwise, the utility of the technique could be practically none. After all, the only modification would be in the place of the problem.
Besides, an initialization with predefined values can reduce the performance of a program, if it was computationally expensive and all values were redefined medially afterwards. Therefore, it is wise to balance values that are default and those that must be, obligatorily, defined before the call. However, before assuming, ideally one should measure the impact using a profile to check if an optimization is truly needed.
Verification of Types of Parameters
In programming languages with dynamic typing, assertions can be used to verify the types for parameters used when building a record. This can guarantee that the values are initialized with correct types (as the language does not restrict assignments according to types).
class MyNumber {
constructor(value) {
console.assert(typeof(value) === "number", "value must be a number.")
this.value = value
var valid = new MyNumber(1)
var invalid = new MyNumber("Franco")
class MyNumber:
def __init__(self, value):
assert isinstance(value, (int, float)), "value must be a number."
self.value = value
valid = MyNumber(1)
invalid = MyNumber("Franco")
function new_my_number(value)
assert(type(value) == "number", "value must be a number.")
local result = {
value = value
return result
local valid = new_my_number(1)
local invalid = new_my_number("Franco")
extends Node
class MyNumber:
var value
func _init(value):
assert(typeof(value) == TYPE_INT or typeof(value) == TYPE_REAL, "value must be a number.")
self.value = value
func _ready():
var valid = MyNumber.new(1)
var invalid = MyNumber.new("Franco")
As it has been previously done in Subroutines (Functions and Procedures), assertions can also be used to verify values. Thus, they could inhibit an initial creation with invalid types and/or initial values.
This section provides additional examples to complement the ones provided over the text. The examples are complete programs, structured using records and processed by combinations of subroutines. The goal is showing how to organize programs and that is already possible to starting writing more complete and complex systems using the knowledge acquired hitherto.
High Level Program
The combination of records, subroutines and collections allow creating complex programs that are elegant and easy to read. This section expands the example of recipes and ingredients to add features to the program. New features are defined with subroutines.
class Ingredient {
constructor(name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = "") {
this.name = name
this.quantity = quantity
this.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe {
constructor(name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = []) {
this.name = name
this.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
this.ingredients = ingredients
function write_ingredient(ingredient) {
alert("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + ingredient.quantity + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
function read_ingredient() {
let ingredient = new Ingredient()
ingredient.name = prompt("Ingredient name:")
ingredient.quantity = prompt("Quantity of " + ingredient.name + ":")
ingredient.measure_unit = prompt("Measure unit:")
return ingredient
function write_recipe(recipe) {
for (let ingredient of recipe.ingredients) {
alert("Preparation steps:")
function read_recipe() {
let recipe = new Recipe()
recipe.name = prompt("Recipe name:")
let add_new_ingredient = true
while (add_new_ingredient) {
let ingredient = read_ingredient()
let answer = prompt("Do you want to add a new ingredient?\nType yes to continue, any other value to finish")
add_new_ingredient = (answer.toLowerCase() === "yes")
recipe.preparation_steps = prompt("Preparation steps for " + recipe.name + ":")
return recipe
function write_recipes(recipes) {
alert("Recipes Book")
let recipe_number = 1
for (recipe of recipes) {
alert("Recipe #" + recipe_number)
function write_menu() {
let message = "Options\n\n"
message += "1. Show all registered recipes;\n"
message += "2. Register a new recipe;\n"
message += "\n"
message += "Any other value ends the program.\n"
function load_recipes() {
let recipes = [
new Recipe("Bread",
new Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
new Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
new Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
new Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
new Recipe("Sweet Bread",
new Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
new Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
new Ingredient("Sugar", 2.0, "Cups"),
new Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
new Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
return recipes
function main() {
let recipes = load_recipes()
let finished = false
while (!finished) {
let chosen_option = prompt("Choose an option:")
switch (chosen_option) {
case "1": {
case "2": {
let new_recipe = read_recipe()
default: {
finished = true
class Ingredient:
def __init__(self, name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = ""):
self.name = name
self.quantity = quantity
self.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe:
def __init__(self, name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = None):
self.name = name
self.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
self.ingredients = ingredients if (ingredients != None) else []
def write_ingredient(ingredient):
print("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + str(ingredient.quantity) + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
def read_ingredient():
ingredient = Ingredient()
ingredient.name = input("Ingredient name: ")
ingredient.quantity = float(input("Quantity of " + ingredient.name + ": "))
ingredient.measure_unit = input("Measure unit: ")
return ingredient
def write_recipe(recipe):
print("Ingredients: ")
for ingredient in recipe.ingredients:
print("Preparation steps: ")
def read_recipe():
recipe = Recipe()
recipe.name = input("Recipe name: ")
add_new_ingredient = True
while (add_new_ingredient):
ingredient = read_ingredient()
answer = input("Do you want to add a new ingredient?\nType yes to continue, any other value to finish ")
add_new_ingredient = (answer.lower() == "yes")
recipe.preparation_steps = input("Preparation steps for " + recipe.name + ": ")
return recipe
def write_recipes(recipes):
print("Recipes Book")
recipe_number = 1
for recipe in recipes:
print("Recipe #" + str(recipe_number))
recipe_number += 1
def write_menu():
message = "Options\n\n"
message += "1. Show all registered recipes;\n"
message += "2. Register a new recipe;\n"
message += "\n"
message += "Any other value ends the program.\n"
def load_recipes():
recipes = [
Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
Recipe("Sweet Bread",
Ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient("Sugar", 2.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
Ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
return recipes
def main():
recipes = load_recipes()
finished = False
while (not finished):
chosen_option = input("Choose an option: ")
if (chosen_option == "1"):
elif (chosen_option == "2"):
new_recipe = read_recipe()
finished = True
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
function new_ingredient(name, quantity, measure_unit)
local result = {
name = name or "",
quantity = quantity or 0.0,
measure_unit = measure_unit or ""
return result
function new_recipe(name, preparation_steps, ingredients)
local result = {
name = name or "",
preparation_steps = quantity or "",
ingredients = ingredients or {}
return result
function write_ingredient(ingredient)
print("- " .. ingredient.name .. ": " .. ingredient.quantity .. " " .. ingredient.measure_unit)
function read_ingredient()
local ingredient = new_ingredient()
io.write("Ingredient name: ")
ingredient.name = io.read("*line")
io.write("Quantity of " .. ingredient.name .. ": ")
ingredient.quantity = io.read("*number", "*line")
io.write("Measure unit: ")
ingredient.measure_unit = io.read("*line")
return ingredient
function write_recipe(recipe)
print("Ingredients: ")
for _, ingredient in ipairs(recipe.ingredients) do
print("Preparation steps: ")
function read_recipe()
local recipe = new_recipe()
io.write("Recipe name: ")
recipe.name = io.read("*line")
local add_new_ingredient = true
while (add_new_ingredient) do
local ingredient = read_ingredient()
table.insert(recipe.ingredients, ingredient)
io.write("Do you want to add a new ingredient?\nType yes to continue, any other value to finish ")
local answer = io.read("*line*")
add_new_ingredient = (string.lower(answer) == "yes")
io.write("Preparation steps for " .. recipe.name .. ": ")
recipe.preparation_steps = io.read("*line")
return recipe
function write_recipes(recipes)
print("Recipes Book")
local recipe_number = 1
for _, recipe in ipairs(recipes) do
print("Recipe #" .. recipe_number)
recipe_number = recipe_number + 1
function write_menu()
local message = "Options\n\n"
message = message .. "1. Show all registered recipes;\n"
message = message .. "2. Register a new recipe;\n"
message = message .. "\n"
message = message .. "Any other value ends the program.\n"
function load_recipes()
local recipes = {
new_ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
new_ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
new_ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
new_ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
new_recipe("Sweet Bread",
new_ingredient("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
new_ingredient("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
new_ingredient("Sugar", 2.0, "Cups"),
new_ingredient("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
new_ingredient("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
return recipes
function main()
local recipes = load_recipes()
local finished = false
while (not finished) do
io.write("Choose an option: ")
local chosen_option = io.read("*line")
if (chosen_option == "1") then
elseif (chosen_option == "2") then
local new_recipe = read_recipe()
table.insert(recipes, new_recipe)
finished = true
extends Node
func random_integer(minimum_inclusive, maximum_inclusive):
var minimum = ceil(minimum_inclusive)
var maximum = floor(maximum_inclusive)
# randi(): [0.0, 1.0[
return randi() % int(maximum + 1 - minimum) + minimum
func input(message, value_esperado):
if (value_esperado == "sorteio menu"):
return str(random_integer(1, 3))
return value_esperado
class Ingredient:
var name
var quantity
var measure_unit
func _init(name = "", quantity = 0.0, measure_unit = ""):
self.name = name
self.quantity = quantity
self.measure_unit = measure_unit
class Recipe:
var name
var preparation_steps
var ingredients
func _init(name = "", preparation_steps = "", ingredients = []):
self.name = name
self.preparation_steps = preparation_steps
self.ingredients = ingredients
func write_ingredient(ingredient):
print("- " + ingredient.name + ": " + str(ingredient.quantity) + " " + ingredient.measure_unit)
func read_ingredient():
var ingredient = Ingredient.new()
ingredient.name = input("Ingredient name: ", "flour")
ingredient.quantity = float(input("Quantity of " + ingredient.name + ": ", "1.23"))
ingredient.measure_unit = input("Measure unit: ", "kg")
return ingredient
func write_recipe(recipe):
print("Ingredients: ")
for ingredient in recipe.ingredients:
print("Preparation steps: ")
func read_recipe():
var recipe = Recipe.new()
recipe.name = input("Recipe name: ", "Flour")
var add_new_ingredient = true
while (add_new_ingredient):
var ingredient = read_ingredient()
var answer = input("Do you want to add a new ingredient?\nType yes to continue, any other value to finish ", "não")
add_new_ingredient = (answer.to_lower() == "yes")
recipe.preparation_steps = input("Preparation steps for " + recipe.name + ": ", "Não comestível!")
return recipe
func write_recipes(recipes):
print("Recipes Book")
var recipe_number = 1
for recipe in recipes:
print("Recipe #" + str(recipe_number))
recipe_number += 1
func write_menu():
var message = "Options\n\n"
message += "1. Show all registered recipes;\n"
message += "2. Register a new recipe;\n"
message += "\n"
message += "Any other value ends the program.\n"
func load_recipes():
var recipes = [
Ingredient.new("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient.new("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient.new("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
Ingredient.new("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
Recipe.new("Sweet Bread",
Ingredient.new("Water", 3.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient.new("Flour", 4.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient.new("Sugar", 2.0, "Cups"),
Ingredient.new("Salt", 2.0, "Tablespoons"),
Ingredient.new("Yeast", 2.0, "Teaspoons")
return recipes
func _ready():
var recipes = load_recipes()
var finished = false
while (not finished):
var chosen_option = input("Choose an option: ", "sorteio menu")
if (chosen_option == "1"):
elif (chosen_option == "2"):
var new_recipe = read_recipe()
finished = true
In the version with JavaScript, alert()
can be replaced with console.log()
to write the result in the browser's console (instead of an alert panel).
A desirable improvement when using alert()
would be returning strings to show recipes in a single dialog (instead of a dialog per phrase).
To do this, one could create a function ingredient_to_string()
that returned the text (instead of writing it as performed by write_ingredient()
The list of ingredients as strings could be concatenated in a single message, to generate the alert with the other data from recipes.
The procedure write_ingredient()
could also be refactored to use the new function.
As GDScript does not have subroutines for console (terminal) input, the implementation defines an input()
function with a second parameter containing a value expected as the return.
To use the main menu, the function returns a pseudorandom value between 1 and 3, simulating the choice of an option.
Thus, the result can be different every use of the program.
Such technique can serve as a useful tool to automate testing, as a way to simulate end user input in a program.
For tests, instead of random values, one could define an array with a sequence of inputs (and return the value of the next position at every request).
Besides, at this point it already is possible to start implementing graphical interfaces using Godot Engine.
They will be explored in future topics, possibly after a brief introduction to OOP.
If you want to try yourself, you could follow the steps defined in setup of the development environment for GDScript (Godot) to start with simpler forms than the one in this example.
Ceasing the digression, the resulting program for recipes is modular, organized and easy to read.
The names of the subroutines describe what they do, making it simpler to read the program's code.
For instance, when one reads main()
(created as the main program), she/he can quickly understand what the program does:
- Initialize recipes;
- Write a menu with options;
- Request the input of an option:
- Write saved recipes;
- Add a new recipe;
- (Or any other value) Ends the program.
It is also easy to modify and extend the program, because it suffices to add or remove features from the respective subroutines (or create new options for the menu).
For instance, to add data validation when reading an ingredient, one could change the function read_ingredient()
After the introduction to files, it would also be possible to save and load recipes stored in files to persist data among several use sessions of the program.
Thus, it would become unnecessary presetting recipes in the source code of the program.
As one acquires programming experience, she/he must start thinking about software architectures to organize and structure programs. Good architectures make it easier to implement and maintaining systems.
For instance, it is a good programming practice to separate data input and output features from data modeling and data processing. This can be achieved, among other options, using a three-tier architecture, a multitier architecture, or the software pattern Model-View-Controller (MVC). The next section provides an example to implement a simulation. Although the concept of layers is normally associated to OOP, it can be explored in a procedural (or functional) way.
Conway's Game Of Life
To illustrate how to separate the logic a program from its presentation, the next example provides an implementation for an algorithm called Conway's Game of Life. The Game of Live is a simple example of cellular automaton. It will be the first example in this material presenting a simulation instead of a static output (consequently, the program will be inaccessible for non-sighted people).
The following quote presents the rules of the Game of Life defined in the Wikipedia's entry:
- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours dies, as if by underpopulation.
- Any live cell with two or three live neighbours lives on to the next generation.
- Any live cell with more than three live neighbours dies, as if by overpopulation.
- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
To implement the game, a matrix is defined as a grid, with values as cells.
To implement the results, the system should check the neighbours (table) cells at every position of the matrix.
Value comparison is performed using the indices of the matrix.
For instance, m[line][column]
, m[line][column + 1]
corresponds to the cell in the next column.
Each position can have up to 8 neighbours (case of the 5 in the next table), though there can exist less. For instance, in the extremities of the table, the cell can have only 3 neighbours (case of 1, 3, 7 and 9 in the following example).
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| 4 | 5 | 6 |
| 7 | 8 | 9 |
A way to make it easier to solve the problem is inserting additional lines and columns before the first and after the last ones.
| | | | | |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | |
| | 4 | 5 | 6 | |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | |
| | | | | |
With this modification, all cells with data will have 8 neighbours. This makes the implementation easier because it is possible to check all adjacent cells without worrying with corner cases. In other words, it is possible to compare all neighbours the same way, for all valid values behave like the 5 in the previous table. This can be easier to understand with offsets from the central value:
| (-1, -1) | (-1, 0) | (-1, 1) |
| (0, -1) | (0, 0) | (0, 1) |
| (1, -1) | (1, 0) | (1, 1) |
The central element (the pair line 0, column 0, that is, (0, 0)
) is ignored, as a cell cannot be neighbour of itself.
The other offsets can be implemented as indices in the matrix.
grid[line - 1][column - 1]
grid[line - 1][column]
grid[line - 1][column + 1]
grid[line][column - 1]
grid[line][column + 1]
grid[line + 1][column - 1]
grid[line + 1][column]
grid[line + 1][column + 1]
One can apply the previous values directly in the solution or write two nested loops to calculate the indices.
for neighbour_line in range(-1, 2):
for neighbour_column in range(-1, 2):
if (not ((neighbour_line == 0) and (neighbour_column == 0))):
// ...
Both solutions are valid. The first is simpler; the second is more generic and would make it easier to modify the solution if one wished to verify for more distance cells. With the previous information, all that remains is implementing the rules.
const GRID_LINES = 20
const GRID_COLUMNS = 20
const DEAD_CELL = 0
const ALIVE_CELL = 1
function random_integer(minimum_inclusive, maximum_inclusive) {
let minimum = Math.ceil(minimum_inclusive)
let maximum = Math.floor(maximum_inclusive)
return Math.floor(minimum + Math.random() * (maximum + 1 - minimum))
class Grid {
constructor(lines = GRID_LINES, columns = GRID_COLUMNS) {
this.lines = lines
this.columns = columns
this.values = []
lines += 2
columns += 2
for (let line = 0; line < lines; ++line) {
let new_column = []
for (let column = 0; column < columns; ++column) {
function initialize_grid(grid) {
let lines = grid.lines + 1
let columns = grid.columns + 1
for (let line = 1; line < lines; ++line) {
for (let column = 1; column < columns; ++column) {
if (random_integer(0, 100) < 30) {
grid.values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
} else {
grid.values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
function update_grid(grid) {
let lines = grid.lines + 1
let columns = grid.columns + 1
// Reference.
let values = grid.values
// Count of alive neighbours.
let count_grid = new Grid(grid.lines, grid.columns)
let count_values = count_grid.values
for (let line = 1; line < lines; ++line) {
for (let column = 1; column < columns; ++column) {
let alive_neighbours = 0
for (let neighbour_line = -1; neighbour_line < 2; ++neighbour_line) {
for (let neighbour_column = -1; neighbour_column < 2; ++neighbour_column) {
if (!((neighbour_line === 0) && (neighbour_column === 0))) {
if (values[line + neighbour_line][column + neighbour_column] === ALIVE_CELL) {
count_values[line][column] = alive_neighbours
// State update based on the neightbor count.
for (let line = 1; line < lines; ++line) {
for (let column = 1; column < columns; ++column) {
if (values[line][column] === ALIVE_CELL) {
if (count_values[line][column] < 2) {
// Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
// dies, as if by underpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
} else if (count_values[line][column] > 3) {
// Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
// dies, as if by overpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
} /* else {
// Redundant, as the change is in-place.
// Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
// lives on to the next generation.
values[line][column] = values[line][column]
} */
} else {
if (count_values[line][column] === 3) {
// Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
// becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
function draw_grid(grid) {
let lines = grid.lines + 1
let columns = grid.columns + 1
let message = ""
for (let line = 1; line < lines; ++line) {
for (let column = 1; column < columns; ++column) {
if (grid.values[line][column] === ALIVE_CELL) {
message += "⏹" // Or "X" or "*" (any character).
} else {
message += " "
message += "\n"
// alert(message)
async function main() {
let grid = new Grid()
let number_of_iterations = 100
for (let iteration = 0; iteration < number_of_iterations; ++iteration) {
// sleep(): Wait 300ms before the next update.
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 300))
import random
import time
from typing import Final
GRID_LINES: Final = 20
GRID_COLUMNS: Final = 20
DEAD_CELL: Final = 0
ALIVE_CELL: Final = 1
def clear_console(number_of_lines = GRID_LINES):
for counter in range(number_of_lines):
class Grid:
def __init__(self, lines = GRID_LINES, columns = GRID_COLUMNS):
self.lines = lines
self.columns = columns
self.values = []
lines += 2
columns += 2
for line in range(lines):
new_column = []
for column in range(columns):
def initialize_grid(grid):
lines = grid.lines + 1
columns = grid.columns + 1
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (random.randint(0, 100) < 30):
grid.values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
grid.values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
def update_grid(grid):
lines = grid.lines + 1
columns = grid.columns + 1
# Reference.
values = grid.values
# Count of alive neighbours.
count_grid = Grid(grid.lines, grid.columns)
count_values = count_grid.values
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
alive_neighbours = 0
for neighbour_line in range(-1, 2):
for neighbour_column in range(-1, 2):
if (not ((neighbour_line == 0) and (neighbour_column == 0))):
if (values[line + neighbour_line][column + neighbour_column] == ALIVE_CELL):
alive_neighbours += 1
count_values[line][column] = alive_neighbours
# State update based on the neightbor count.
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL):
if (count_values[line][column] < 2):
# Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
# dies, as if by underpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
elif (count_values[line][column] > 3):
# Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
# dies, as if by overpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
# else:
# Redundant, as the change is in-place.
# Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
# lives on to the next generation.
# values[line][column] = values[line][column]
if (count_values[line][column] == 3):
# Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
# becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
def draw_grid(grid):
lines = grid.lines + 1
columns = grid.columns + 1
message = ""
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (grid.values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL):
message += "⏹" # Or "X" or "*" (any character).
message += " "
message += "\n"
def main():
grid = Grid()
number_of_iterations = 100
for iteration in range(number_of_iterations):
# sleep(): Wait 300ms before the next update.
if (__name__ == "__main__"):
local GRID_LINES = 20
local GRID_COLUMNS = 20
local DEAD_CELL = 0
local ALIVE_CELL = 1
-- Inefficient implementation using busy wait.
function sleep(time_seconds)
local finished = tonumber(os.clock() + time_seconds);
while (os.clock() < finished) do
-- Wait the passage of time, wasting cycles of the processor.
function clear_console(number_of_lines)
number_of_lines = number_of_lines or GRID_LINES
for counter = 1, number_of_lines do
function new_grid(lines, columns)
lines = lines or GRID_LINES
columns = columns or GRID_COLUMNS
local result = {
lines = lines,
columns = columns,
values = {}
lines = lines + 2
columns = columns + 2
for line = 2, lines do
local new_column = {}
table.insert(result.values, new_column)
for column = 2, columns do
table.insert(new_column, DEAD_CELL)
return result
function initialize_grid(grid)
local lines = grid.lines
local columns = grid.columns
for line = 2, lines do
for column = 2, columns do
if (math.random(0, 100) < 30) then
grid.values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
grid.values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
function update_grid(grid)
local lines = grid.lines
local columns = grid.columns
-- Reference.
local values = grid.values
-- Count of alive neighbours.
local count_grid = new_grid(grid.lines, grid.columns)
local count_values = count_grid.values
for line = 2, lines do
for column = 2, columns do
local alive_neighbours = 0
for neighbour_line = -1, 1 do
for neighbour_column = -1, 1 do
if (not ((neighbour_line == 0) and (neighbour_column == 0))) then
if (values[line + neighbour_line][column + neighbour_column] == ALIVE_CELL) then
alive_neighbours = alive_neighbours + 1
count_values[line][column] = alive_neighbours
-- State update based on the neightbor count.
for line = 2, lines do
for column = 2, columns do
if (values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL) then
if (count_values[line][column] < 2) then
-- Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
-- dies, as if by underpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
elseif (count_values[line][column] > 3) then
-- Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
-- dies, as if by overpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
-- else:
-- Redundant, as the change is in-place.
-- Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
-- lives on to the next generation.
-- values[line][column] = values[line][column]
if (count_values[line][column] == 3) then
-- Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
-- becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
function draw_grid(grid)
local lines = grid.lines
local columns = grid.columns
local message = ""
for line = 2, lines do
for column = 2, columns do
if (grid.values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL) then
message = message .. "⏹" -- Or "X" or "*" (any character).
message = message .. " "
message = message .. "\n"
function main()
local grid = new_grid()
local number_of_iterations = 100
for iteration = 1, number_of_iterations do
-- sleep(): Wait 300ms before the next update.
extends Node
const GRID_LINES = 20
const GRID_COLUMNS = 20
const DEAD_CELL = 0
const ALIVE_CELL = 1
func random_integer(minimum_inclusive, maximum_inclusive):
var minimum = ceil(minimum_inclusive)
var maximum = floor(maximum_inclusive)
# randi(): [0.0, 1.0[
return randi() % int(maximum + 1 - minimum) + minimum
func clear_console(number_of_lines = GRID_LINES):
for counter in range(number_of_lines):
class Grid:
var lines
var columns
var values
func _init(lines = GRID_LINES, columns = GRID_COLUMNS):
self.lines = lines
self.columns = columns
self.values = []
lines += 2
columns += 2
for line in range(lines):
var new_column = []
for column in range(columns):
func initialize_grid(grid):
var lines = grid.lines + 1
var columns = grid.columns + 1
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (random_integer(0, 100) < 30):
grid.values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
grid.values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
func update_grid(grid):
var lines = grid.lines + 1
var columns = grid.columns + 1
# Reference.
var values = grid.values
# Count of alive neighbours.
var count_grid = Grid.new(grid.lines, grid.columns)
var count_values = count_grid.values
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
var alive_neighbours = 0
for neighbour_line in range(-1, 2):
for neighbour_column in range(-1, 2):
if (not ((neighbour_line == 0) and (neighbour_column == 0))):
if (values[line + neighbour_line][column + neighbour_column] == ALIVE_CELL):
alive_neighbours += 1
count_values[line][column] = alive_neighbours
# State update based on the neightbor count.
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL):
if (count_values[line][column] < 2):
# Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbours
# dies, as if by underpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
elif (count_values[line][column] > 3):
# Any live cell with more than three live neighbours
# dies, as if by overpopulation.
values[line][column] = DEAD_CELL
# else:
# Redundant, as the change is in-place.
# Any live cell with two or three live neighbours
# lives on to the next generation.
# values[line][column] = values[line][column]
if (count_values[line][column] == 3):
# Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbours
# becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.
values[line][column] = ALIVE_CELL
func draw_grid(grid):
var lines = grid.lines + 1
var columns = grid.columns + 1
var message = ""
for line in range(1, lines):
for column in range(1, columns):
if (grid.values[line][column] == ALIVE_CELL):
message += "X" # Or "X" or "*" (any character).
message += " "
message += "\n"
func _ready():
var grid = Grid.new()
var number_of_iterations = 100
for iteration in range(number_of_iterations):
# sleep(): Wait 300ms before the next update.
yield(get_tree().create_timer(0.3), "timeout")
For the example, it is convenient to start by noting the solution structuring.
Every change of the program's logic is performed at update_grid()
Similarly, the presentation of the grid is defined in draw_grid()
The program does not read input from end-users; if it required input, one could define a new subroutine called read_input()
The read values would, then, be passed as parameters to update_grid()
(thus, updating the program logic would not read input data directly).
Furthermore, this program introduces some new features used for the frame to frame animation.
- A subroutine to clear the console(terminal).
JavaScript provides
(documentation) to clean it. In Python, Lua and GDScript, the procedureclear_console()
write empty lines to simulate an alternative. It could be worth writing more lines for a better result; - A subroutine to wait (pause) the program for a given time, normally called
. JavaScript uses aPromise
(documentation) andsetTimeout()
(documentation). In JavaScript, it is also worth noticing thatmain()
must be declaredasync
for the use of the previous subroutines. Python providestime.sleep()
(documentation). GDScript providesget_tree().create_timer()
(documentation). Lua does not provide a predefined subroutine; the implementation ofsleep()
uses a technique called busy wait. The technique repeats a code block until a condition becomes false, to waste time. In this case, this is used to wait a certain time until ending the repetition. A simpler implementation could use an empty block that was repeated a few thousand times.
In the implementations, line and column increments allow ignoring empty values when drawing or updating the grid.
Instead of adding lines = grid.lines + 2
to use a condition lines - 1
, one can make the code simpler with grid.lines + 1
In Lua, as the indexing starts from 1, the original value can be used directly.
Depending on the initial sequence that is generated, the Game of Life can generate patterns that repeat forever. The Wikipedia page describes some patterns. If you run the program a few times, you may find such patterns (depending on your luck). Alternatively, you can create a starting board as with a suitable configuration to the pattern that you wish to use.
For instance, for a grid 48x48 (50x50 with zeros padding the extremities):
Hide/Show Board
For better visualization, it is advisable to use a character such as X
instead of the square (to guarantee equal spacing between characters).
The example provides the configuration for JavaScript, though the principles (and values) are the same for the other languages. In Lua, square brackets should be replaced by curly ones.
const GRID_LINES = 48
const GRID_COLUMNS = 48
const DEAD_CELL = 0
const ALIVE_CELL = 1
function initialize_grid(grid) {
grid.values = [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
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Although the examples add a maximum limit of repetitions, one could define an infinite loop to keep the simulation running. Furthermore, for better visualization, it is interesting to choose a number of lines that allow to fully clear the screen every iteration, making the next drawing always starting at the same region of the screen.
The Game of Life is interesting because it defines a simple simulation, though a complete one. The presented implementation illustrates how digital games, animations, video or simulations work: content is processed and drawn continuously, creating an illusion of animation. An example using daily life material could be defined animated drawings in paper. Each page modifies the drawing a little; when one quickly flips the pages, the result is an impression of animation. Such collection is called a flip book.
Digital simulations work similarly. They continuously repeat a code Changes of state between a repetition and another can be drawn. Quick drawings generate the illusion of animation.
As modern computers are fast machines, the use of a subroutine such as sleep()
allows waiting an arbitrary time between two updates.
Otherwise, unless the number of repetition is very large, the program can end almost instantly.
The last generated image will be the one displayed at the end of the program, resulting in a static drawing (alternatively, depending on the solution, one can scroll the terminal to verify all previous outputs).
By the way, virtually very application with graphical interfaces operates similarly to this example. They use a solid color for the background to clear the screen; then they draw the new content. Then, this process is repeated every time data change (or at every time interval). This is the principle used to show this page in your monitor, any other program being used, digital games and other multimedia content.
If you are using a screen reader and hearing the content of this page (or listening to music), the inner works of digital sound is also similar. A noise is reproduced; data are advanced; another noise is reproduced. Sound is created over time, frame by frame. More accurately, sample by sample.
New Items for Your Inventory
- Function to simulate end-user input in a program;
- Flip book.
- Creation of records;
- High-level programming.
- Records (or structs);
- Data decomposition;
- Data abstraction;
- Attributes or fields;
- State;
- Plain Old Data (POD) or Passive Data Structures (PDS);
- Classes;
- Methods;
- Instance;
- Data hiding;
- Encapsulation;
- Interfaces;
- Data flow;
- Constructor;
- Named parameters;
- Array of Records (Array of Structures);
- Granularity;
- Recursive data types;
- Consistency;
- Implementation detail;
- Busy wait.
Programming resources:
- Records;
- Definition and use of named parameters.
Except for recursive data types (with references to the record's type itself), records provide greater programming commodity, though they do not allow solving many other problems that were not possible without them. A good way to practice is to refactor some of your old programs to use records. In particular, the adoption of a programming style with data and functional abstractions will allow programming at a higher level; the resulting solutions might be more legible and elegant. Another benefit of revisiting your old programs is observing your evolution as a programmer. You will find situations on which you would have opted for a simpler solution or a more advanced technique (that you had not known at that moment).
Create a record called
. Add some characteristic data of animals (such as specie and scientific name) and build a small database with information about your favorite animals. If you rather prefer plants, you can create a recordVegetal
.Create a record called
and create a small system to manage stock. The system should store names, quantities, numbers of lot and prices of products.Create a record called
and a record calledAuthor
. Store your favorite books. Each book must have a title, an array of authors and an abstract (or comment). Implement subroutines to add, list and search for books. The search can be performed by title or authors.Create a subroutine to check if two records are equal. The subroutine must return a logic value.
How to sort an array of records? Tip: you can create a subroutine with a criterion to inform if a record is less than or greater than another. The sorting can be performed using one or more attributes of the record. Attributes compared first will have higher priority at the sorting.
Create a menu for a restaurant using records.
What are the advantages of using records in your programs? What are the disadvantages?
Is it possible to create an empty record, that is, without attributes? If it is possible, can you imagine a utility for it? The answer may vary depending on the chosen programming language.
Is it possible to add all program variables of a program (even if a really simple one) to a record?
Create the game battleship (sea battle). Use records to store information about the board (grid) and for each player card.
Next Steps
With the introduction of records, now you almost have all basic resources provided by programming languages to solve problems using computers. Before, you were able to process data using primitive types and collections of primitive types. Now, you become able to create your own data types. In particular, you can even use records to create new types of collections.
Records allow abstracting data to think about problems and solutions at a higher level. It is even possible to group all data of a program into a single record, which can be thought as the primary memory of the program. In practice, however, it is preferable to store only variable with long term interest for the program. For instance, local variables created as counters in loops or temporary values in some parts of the code do not need to be stored for the entire duration of the program. Although it is possible, normally there are not many good reasons to fill the memory with ephemeral variables (although there are situations on which this is valid, such as when there is a need to guarantee that the memory budget will never exceed a ceiling).
Furthermore, after this introduction to records, a transition to Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) should be smoother. The basics of OOP are not too different of using subroutines with records, though they provide additional features, such as access modifiers and specifiers. OOP also provides more advanced features, such as polymorphism, inheritance and delegation, that allows defining complex hierarchies of class and (re)define methods according to contexts and particularities of classes defined in the hierarchy. Objected oriented programming languages are popular, both in the academy and in the industry for professional use. Besides Python and JavaScript, Java, C++, C#, PHP and Ruby are examples of programming languages with high demand for professionals.
Before, however, there is a limitation in all programs that you have created hitherto. All of them lose the manipulated data at the end of the execution. This means that all program start with a very same initial state (the only exception are programs using pseudorandom numbers with time based seeds). The data from previous runs are lost when the program ends.
With files, you will become able to use secondary memory to store data for use over multiple execution of the program. Saving and loading data will become part of your programming vocabulary.
- Introduction;
- Entry point and program structure;
- Output (for console or terminal);
- Data types;
- Variables and constants;
- Input (for console or terminal);
- Arithmetic and basic Mathematics;
- Relational operations and comparisons;
- Logic operations and Boolean Algebra;
- Conditional (or selection) structures;
- Subroutines: functions and procedures;
- Repetition structures (or loops);
- Arrays, collections and data structures;
- Records (structs);
- Files and serialization (marshalling);
- Libraries;
- Command line input;
- Bitwise operations;
- Tests and debugging.